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A few elements past iron can form in the star by neutron capture and beta decay. However the majority can only be formed by the blast shockwave of a supernova, which can form elements significantly beyond Uranium.

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They earn more protons neutrons and electrons

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Q: How do heavier elements on the periodic table form?
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The farther apart elements are on the periodic table the more likely they are to form what kind of bonds?

You think prpbable to ionic bonds.

What are two elements with properties most like helium?

Neon and argon, the two elements immediately below helium in column 18 of a wide form periodic table.

Why is lathanide and actinide not part of the periodic table?

Besides the periodic table, an electron chart of the elements exists. The periodic table shows the broad outline. The electron chart goes into greater detail. The periodic table lists elements according to electrons in their outer shell. As elements get more massive they get more protons and electrons. Each time they add a proton, they jump one notch in the periodic table. When they add the electron, it is a valence electron and it affects the chemical properties. There comes a point when elements start adding electrons when the electrons are not added to the outer shell with the other electrons in the valence shell. The chemical properties do not change as the elements get heavier. It is extremely difficult to use chemistry to separate the elements in that group. If you had an electron chart, you would see the electrons followed a different pattern. That is why the lanthanides and actinides are set apart from the other elements on the periodic table. According to their chemical properties, they would all need to be put into one box.

What will form covalent bonds with fluorine?

Generally, elements on the right hand side of the periodic table and also carbon. The Left hand side will tend to form ionic bonds

How can you predict that oxygen will form an O2- ion and not an O3- ion?

All of the elements in column six of the periodic table have a 2- charge

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Fusing hydrogen atoms into heavier elements produces?

It is believed this was how the universe formed. Hydrogen fuses to form all the other heavier elements on the periodic table up to Element number 92

What family does the titanium belong in periodic table?

Titanium is in period 4 and column 4 of a wide form periodic table. The elements most nearly similar to it chemically are zirconium and hafnium, the next heavier elements in the same column.

Where is cation on the periodic table?

Periodic table consists of elements not cations. However group 1 and group 2 elements (left side of the periodic table) are elements which will form cations easily.

Why do the elements in a column on the periodic table form a group?

Elements in the same column on the periodic table, known as a group, share similar chemical properties due to having the same number of valence electrons. This results in them displaying similar reactivity patterns and forming similar types of compounds when they react with other elements.

How are elements organized?

atomic number Chemical elements are organized in the form of the periodic table of Mendeleev, in groups and periods.

In group 2 on the periodic table are they positive ions when they bond with other elements?

Elements from the group 2 of the periodic table form cations.

The elements in the periodic table goes accoring to?

In the modern form of periodic table, all elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic numbers. The periodic properties of elements are functions of their atomic weights.

What are the simplest form of protein?

Elements(See the Periodic Table of Elements)

What are some ways that elements are arranged on the periodic table of elements?

Mendeleev arranged the elements in a table in the increasing order of atomic masses and repeating periodic properties. In the modern long-form of periodic table, the elements are arranged in the increasing order of atomic number and repeating periodic properties.

What is the relationship between the periodic table and a supernova?

Elements on the periodic table are formed during the life cycle of stars, including supernovae explosions. Supernovae produce heavy elements through nucleosynthesis, which are then scattered into space and can eventually form new stars and planets, including those with elements found on the periodic table.

What number is mathane on the periodic table?

First of all it is a compound made of different elements, hence it cannot exist in periodic table. Periodic table is composed only of pure elements not in any combined form.

Which elements in period table are liquids?

At normal temperatures, Bromine and Mercury are the only elements on the Periodic Table of the Elements that are in liquid form.