

How do honey bee eggs get fertilized?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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A virgin queen bees goes on a mating flight when she will mate with around a dozen drones (male bees). This is the only time in her life when she will do this. When she lays an egg, it will already be fertilized from semen stored within her body.

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Q: How do honey bee eggs get fertilized?
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Which eggs hatch in to males and which into females in case of honey bees?

The unfertilized eggs of the queen bee hatch into male bees, or drones. Worker bees, or females, and female queen bees hatch from fertilized eggs.

Which egg of honey bees hatch in to male and which in to female?

The unfertilized eggs of the queen bee hatch into male bees, or drones. Worker bees, or females, and female queen bees hatch from fertilized eggs.

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Bees don't reproduce asexually. The queen is the only reproductive female in the colony. She is mated by one or more males throughout her life span, and thus lays fertilized eggs which turn into drones.

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honey bees don't get pregnant. They lay eggs, some fertilized and some unfertilized. She only mates for a few days about 10 days after she is born. She will mate with 10 10 15 drones (male bees) then never again for the rest of her life. She lives about 3 years.

What is the maximum number of eggs laid by a bee?

A honey bee queen can lay between 1000 and 2000 eggs per day.

How many eggs dose the queen bee lay?

A queen honey bee can lay between 1000 and 2000 eggs per day.

What insect does the male bee come from?

Male bees (drones) come from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen bee. Fertilized eggs produce females (workers or new queens).

How many eggs can a queen bee lay in a year?

At the height of the season, a honey bee queen can lay up to 2000 eggs per day.

How many eggs can a queen bee lay in one day?

At the height of the breeding season she can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day.A honey bee queen can lay up to 1000 eggs per day.

What do Queen Honey Bee do?

The only thing a queen bee does is lay eggs. She does no other work in the hive. She doesn't even feed herself, she is fed and cleaned by worker bees.

What type of honey bee egg will become drones?

Unfertilised eggs hatch as drones.

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the honey bee