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Q: How do humans and plants interact in the carbon cycle?
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What is the carbon cycle and what are some factors that contribute to the carbon cycle?

The carbon cycle is the process of animals and humans emitting carbon that the plants absorb and turn into oxygen for the animals and humans to breathe. Some factors that contribute to it are plants, animals, humans, vehicles, and factories.

How are the carbon and nitrogen cycles connected?

The carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle are related due to both plants and mammals using them. Plants take both carbon and nitrogen in and convert them to sugars and proteins that humans eat when eating the plants.

How does carbon dioxide cycle between living things?

Humans breathe in oxygen, which plants produce, and breathe out carbon dioxide, which plants take in.

Where does the carbon dioxde used by plants come from?

Humans inhale oxygen, and breath out carbon dioxide. It is like a cycle.

What is carbon-oxygen cycyle?

The carbon cycle: The process of which carbon moves and transitions throughout its journey. Carbon is one of an animal's waste products, which plants consume, and humans eat, in a cycle.

What is carbon oxygen cycyle?

The carbon cycle: The process of which carbon moves and transitions throughout its journey. Carbon is one of an animal's waste products, which plants consume, and humans eat, in a cycle.

How is carbon exchanged between humans and plants?

carbon is released by the human which is enhaled by the human n there fore the cycle moves on

How does carbon and the atmosphere interact?

The carbon cycle moves carbon in and out of the atmosphere, the land, plants and animals, and the oceans. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a greenhouse gas that keeps the planet warm. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, from humans adding it by burning fossil fuels, is causing an accelerated greenhouse effect, global warming.

How do plants give oxegyn?

plants take the carbon dioxide that is exhaled by humans and animals and turn it into oxygen. they then release it into the atmosphere. humans and animals inhale the oxygen and the cycle is repeated.

What do plants do with the oxygen they make from photosynthesis?

The oxygen that plants make is taken up by humans. The humans take the oxygen and transform it into carbon dioxide. When the humans do this then the plants take it and change it back into oxygen. This is a never-ending cycle, without plants, humans and animals would die out, without humans and animals, plants would die out.

How do carbon and oxygen cycles interact to keep animals alive?

Carbon and oxygen cycles interact to keep animals alive because animals use the oxygen cycle to realease the energy they make and animals use carbon cycles to produce sugars, animals and organisms break down these sugars to obtain energy, they produce water and carbon dioxide hope this helped!!!!

What is the process of humans taking in oxygen from plants and plants taking carbon dioxide form humans?

The plants release oxygen as a bye product of photosynthesis. This get mixed in the air which humans breath and get oxygen absorbed in the lungs by blood haemoglobin. The excess of carbon dioxide produced by human respiration comes out from lungs and get mixed in the air to be taken by the plants for photosynthesis. This cycle of oxygen and carbon dioxide goes on to fulfill the need of plants and animals including humans.