

How do humans breathe Oxygen?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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Yes. The air is 21% oxygen which is what humans run on. It is 79% nitrogen which we filter out. I learned this today in Health class.

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Q: How do humans breathe Oxygen?
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What do humans breathe out and plants breathe in?

They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. That's how they help us. It's called photosynthesis, requiring the use of the sun and CO2. It produces sugar, energy, and O2.

What do you need to breathe in and out?

You need to breathe in oxygen and you need to breathe out carbon dioxide.

How plants breathe?

They 'breathe' through the stomata on both surfaces of the leaf. The stomata are extremely tiny 'holes' that you can only see under a microscope. They are usually found on the underside of the leaves.

Importance of air?

"Air" is the most important cycle that exists between the atmosphere and earth, e.g. a sustained cycle between plants on earth and the air we breathe, and humans. Air is important as a natural resource because we AND plants must breathe. Plants use carbon dioxide which humans breathe out. Humans breathe in oxygen, which plants give off. Without these two components of "air" or if these became out of balance, both plants and humans would die.

Why is air important for humans?

Yes, partially. Trees give us oxygen (which is a gas we breath). Most of the air in our atmosphere is made up of nitrogen (around 78%). Oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor make up the majority of the rest of the air, of which trees only give us oxygen. Oxygen is the second most common element in air though; so I would still have to say yes. Humans and most animals on our planet breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon-dioxide. Yet trees breathe in the carbon-dioxide we breathe out and breathe out oxygen which we need to breathe in. Of course don't give us all our oxygen either. Most of the oxygen replenishment comes from sea weed (or sea algae). But the simple answer to your question is yes. Oh, and Al Gore is a liar. That is always a good ending to a good answer about the air in our atmosphere.

Related questions

Do you breathe in or breathe out oxygen?

Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees "breathe" out oxygen.

Why do humans breathe in oxygen?

to live and

How do Emperor penguins get oxygen?

They breathe in oxygen like humans.

Which gas is essential for humans?

Oxygen is essential to humans. We breathe it in.

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What takes in oxygen?

Humans take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

What do you breathe when you breathe out?

Humans breathe out carbon dioxide, the whole world runs in a motion, for example plants breathe carbon dioxide, we breathe in oxygen. Even fish breathe oxygen. They take the oxygen out of the water. So we breathe in what plants breathe out and plants breathe in what we breathe out.

How does cutting trees affect environment?

It reduces the oxygen in the area because humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out nitrogen.[plants breathe in nitrogen and breathe out oxygen for without trees.Humans will not survive

How humans you use oxygen in industry?

Terrible grammar. Either the asker does not speek English or is mentally challenged. I will slowly answer this question the best that I can. Humans... use oxygen... to breathe... If humans could not breathe they could not do anything industrial! That is "how humans you use oxygen in industry". They breathe it. You should try it. Your brain could use some oxygen numbnut!

What do humans breathe out and plants breathe in?

They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. That's how they help us. It's called photosynthesis, requiring the use of the sun and CO2. It produces sugar, energy, and O2.

Can humans breathe oxygen and hydrogen combine?

no it is completely different are bodies cant breathe that only pure oxygen(o2). although fish can breathe the dissolved oxygen in water

What do green plants release that humans breathe?
