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it depends what kind of a chameleon it is for ex) a veiled chameleon is docile to humans but a graceful chameleons are very graceful

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How do chameleons use their tongue differently than humans?

When Chameleons grab prey from afar, the tongue is used like a hand to grab the prey and take it into the chameleons mouth.

How good is a chameleons eye sight?

It's normal to a humans. Weird huh?

Are Chameleons Good Class Pets?

Chameleons often assosiate their owner as the one who feeds them. They only really tolerate humans. Unlike other reptile pets.

How do chameleons breathe?

Chameleons have lungs and air passages much like humans do. They inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide like all other reptiles.

How does the chameleons physical features help it to adapt to its environment?

they adapt

Do chameleons have teeth?

Yes chameleons have teeth but only small ones! Chameleons have teeth to grasp onto food. Their teeth are also used to help them crush and kill their food. They may chew or swallow their food

Do do chameleons have teeth?

Yes chameleons have teeth but only small ones! Chameleons have teeth to grasp onto food. Their teeth are also used to help them crush and kill their food. They may chew or swallow their food

Why do chameleons react well to humans?

They react well because they're small shape can make them comfortable with us.

How do humans affect a chameleons habitats?

with the humans cutting down everything and i mean everything in the rain forests then they have nothing to blend into and then their pray would find them.that is why we harm their habitats.

How and what do chameleons poo?

chameleons reproduce

Are chameleons territorial?

are chameleons territorial

Are chameleons carnivorous?

yes chameleons are carnivorous but they will only eat other chameleons to survive