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Q: How do i change this tablet back to English?
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How do you say tablet in English?

You just said it! Tablet.

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change skype from spanish to back to english

How do I change Google Chromes Keyboard back to English?

To change google chrome keyboard back to English you first click on settings and then languages and click on English or double click on English and it should have changed to English.

What is the physical and chemical change of Alka-Seltzer tablet in H20?

It is a chemical reaction because the bubbles that you see is the gas from of the alka seltzer tablet. There fore there is no way you can condense the gas back to a solid, making it a chemical change!

When is fruit ninja coming back to nook tablet?

It will come back to nook tablet and be there forever.

How do you change the operating system from an Android tablet?

It is possible to change a tablet's stock Android operating system to iOS, BlackBerry, Windows, or WebOS. However, changing it can vary from tablet to tablet. So, what works for one tablet manufacturer might not work with another one.

Why did the tablet move thi way?

this is due to the bubbles released as the tablet underwent a change.

Need to change my Facebook back English?

if your English yes if not then no pretty obvious answer really i would think

How do you get your Facebook back on in English not Turkish?

Click on Settings (top right hand corner of facebook) and then click Languages, change back to ENGLISH

What is happens to the taste of water when a tablet is put into it?

If the tablet has no flavoring to it, the water won't really change it's taste

How do you change yahoo back to English?

On the homepage select More..., and then select your country,

How do you change the language back to english on farm frenzy animal country?

Go to install directory and find local.ini. There change the language. For enlish just write "English"