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Q: How do i exit the phantom's treasure on animial jam?
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How do you get ten thousand gems on animal jam?

go on phantoms treasure it gets you loads of money

What are phantoms in animal jam?

Phantoms are the bad guys on animal jam. You can trap them when you go on Adventures.

What is the code for the jail phantoms on animal jam?

pesky phantoms

What are some Animal Jam codes that will give you phantoms?

THERE is no code for phantoms!

When is the day of the phantoms on aniaml jam?

On Halloween.

How do you play falling phantoms on Animal Jam?

you go to the arcade and find best dressed. theres falling phantoms!

Where is the game Falling Phantoms on Animal Jam?

Either the arcade or the temples

How many beta items are they on animal jam?

is imprisoned phantoms a beta

How do you rise the temple in Animal Jam?

by saying phantoms come and rise

Is there codes for phantoms on animal jam?

The answer is yes you can but when it says Pesky phantoms had taken it over that means when it is all over you can get a message saying.. Thanks for being patient for those pesky phantoms when you log in again for the code put pesky phantoms.. That's how you do it.

What are some valid animal jam codes?

spooky phantoms, festival, freeplay and explore

What are the codes for 2012 on animal jam?

Three of the codes are explore 2012 geko pesky phantoms