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Q: How do i fairly divide my estate between my two children and one grand child?
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Does anyone have a good idea on how children can fairly divide the personal property of their parents' estate?

You value all of the items and split the value, once the debts of the deceased are resolved. If there are items that they are arguing over, they should be sold and the money divided.

How does an estate work without a will?

The laws of intestacy will apply. The laws are fairly consistent providing for the spouse and children.

How can a person fairly divide 10 apples among 8 children so that each child has the same share?

It is: 10/8 = 1.25 apples each

Who is entitled to household items when a parent dies intestate?

When the parent dies intestate, the estate gets the goods and they are divided according to the laws of the state. If a parent still survives, they will inherit all of the property of the spouse if there are no children that are still minors. Without a surviving spouse, the household goods will typically be divided fairly between the descendants. If they can't divide them equally, the executor can either decide who gets what, though the value must be equal, or sells the item and divides the proceedes.

Is becoming an administrator of a small estate where no will is found expensive?

It should not cost the administrator anything. The costs, which are fairly reasonable, are born by the estate. And the Administrator can charge for their services.

How do you become administrator of your deceased mothers estate?

You petition the court. It is a fairly straight forward form that has to be signed by all of the beneficiaries of the will or estate. You should consult a probate attorney for your jurisdiction.

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I'm fairly certain that this cannot be done.

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Are Children are always treated fairly?

i think they are because....................... you tell me

How reliable is the Peugeot 407 estate?

The Peugeot 407 estate is considered fairly reliable. Although this car is reliable, the car itself isn't as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as one might hope.

Your Brother died single no will can estate be settled out of court?

No. In order to settle an estate, the court has to validate it. It can be done fairly quickly, and fairly cheaply, depending on the assets. A family member with a bit of reading can do most of the work in a matter of hours and then one has to wait the legally proscribed times for debts to come forward.

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meteoroids are fairly small and meterites are fairly big