

Best Answer

Chlorophyte spawns into the world when you enter Hardmode, in the 'Underground Jungle' area. However you cannot mine it yet, until you have defeated the three mechanical bosses (The Destroyer, The Twins and Skeletron Prime) as you need the items they drop to create the first tier of pickaxe capable of mining it.

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Q: How do i get chlorophyte in terraria?
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Do vampire knives run out of ammunition in terraria?

Vampire Knives neither use ammunition nor mana, they can be thrown limitlessly.

What are six letter words start with A and end with A?

aahing, aaliis, aarrgh, abacas, abacus, abakas, abamps, abased, abaser, abases, abasia, abated, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abayas, abbacy, abbess, abbeys, abbots, abduce, abduct, abeles, abhors, abided, abider, abides, abject, abjure, ablate, ablaut, ablaze, ablest, ablins, abloom, ablush, abmhos, aboard, aboded, abodes, abohms, abolla, abomas, aboral, aborts, abound, aboves, abrade, abroad, abrupt, abseil, absent, absorb, absurd, abulia, abulic, abused, abuser, abuses, abvolt, abwatt, abying, abysms, acacia, acajou, acarid, acarus, accede, accent, accept, access, accord, accost, accrue, accuse, acedia, acetal, acetic, acetin, acetum, acetyl, achene, achier, aching, acidic, acidly, acinar, acinic, acinus, ackees, acnode, acorns, acquit, across, acting, actins, action, active, actors, actual, acuate, acuity, aculei, acumen, acuter, acutes, adages, adagio, adapts, addend, adders, addict, adding, addled, addles, adduce, adduct, adeems, adenyl, adepts, adhere, adieus, adieux, adipic, adjoin, adjure, adjust, admass, admire, admits, admixt, adnate, adnexa, adnoun, adobes, adobos, adonis, adopts, adored, adorer, adores, adorns, adrift, adroit, adsorb, adults, advect, advent, adverb, advert, advice, advise, adytum, adzing, aecial, aecium, aedile, aedine, aeneus, aeonic, aerate, aerial, aeried, aerier, aeries, aerify, aerily, aerobe, aerugo, aether, afeard, affair, affect, affine, affirm, afflux, afford, affray, afghan, afield, aflame, afloat, afraid, afreet, afresh, afrits, afters, aftosa, agamas, agamic, agamid, agapae, agapai, agapes, agaric, agates, agaves, agedly, ageing, ageism, ageist, agency, agenda, agenes, agents, aggada, aggers, aggies, aggros, aghast, agings, agisms, agists, agitas, aglare, agleam, aglets, agnail, agnate, agnize, agonal, agones, agonic, agorae, agoras, agorot, agouti, agouty, agrafe, agreed, agrees, agrias, aguish, ahchoo, ahimsa, aholds, ahorse, aiders, aidful, aiding, aidman, aidmen, aiglet, aigret, aikido, ailing, aimers, aimful, aiming, aiolis, airbag, airbus, airers, airest, airier, airily, airing, airman, airmen, airted, airths, airway, aisled, aisles, aivers, ajivas, ajowan, ajugas, akelas, akenes, akimbo, alamos, alands, alanin, alants, alanyl, alarms, alarum, alaska, alated, alates, albata, albedo, albeit, albino, albite, albums, alcade, alcaic, alcids, alcove, alders, aldols, aldose, aldrin, alegar, alephs, alerts, alevin, alexia, alexin, alfaki, algins, algoid, algors, algums, alibis, alible, alidad, aliens, alight, aligns, alined, aliner, alines, aliped, aliyah, aliyas, aliyos, aliyot, alkali, alkane, alkene, alkies, alkine, alkoxy, alkyds, alkyls, alkyne, allays, allege, allele, alleys, allied, allies, allium, allods, allots, allows, alloys, allude, allure, allyls, almahs, almehs, almner, almond, almost, almuce, almude, almuds, almugs, alnico, alodia, alohas, aloins, alpaca, alphas, alphyl, alpine, alsike, altars, alters, althea, aludel, alulae, alular, alumin, alumna, alumni, alvine, always, amadou, amarna, amatol, amazed, amazes, amazon, ambage, ambari, ambary, ambeer, ambers, ambery, ambits, ambled, ambler, ambles, ambush, amebae, ameban, amebas, amebic, ameers, amends, aments, amerce, amices, amides, amidic, amidin, amidol, amidst, amigas, amigos, amines, aminic, ammine, ammino, ammono, amnion, amnios, amoeba, amoles, amoral, amount, amours, ampere, amping, ampler, ampule, ampuls, amrita, amtrac, amucks, amulet, amused, amuser, amuses, amusia, amylic, amylum, anabas, anadem, anally, analog, ananke, anarch, anatto, anchor, anchos, ancone, andros, anears, aneled, aneles, anemia, anemic, anenst, anergy, angary, angels, angers, angina, angled, angler, angles, anglos, angora, angsts, anilin, animal, animas, animes, animis, animus, anions, anises, anisic, ankled, ankles, anklet, ankush, anlace, anlage, annals, anneal, annexe, annona, annoys, annual, annuli, annuls, anodal, anodes, anodic, anoint, anoles, anomic, anomie, anonym, anopia, anorak, anoxia, anoxic, ansate, answer, anteed, anthem, anther, antiar, antick, antics, anting, antler, antral, antres, antrum, anural, anuran, anuria, anuric, anuses, anvils, anyhow, anyone, anyons, anyway, aorist, aortae, aortal, aortas, aortic, aoudad, apache, apathy, apercu, apexes, aphids, aphtha, apiary, apical, apices, apiece, aplite, aplomb, apneal, apneas, apneic, apnoea, apodal, apogee, apollo, apolog, aporia, appall, appals, appeal, appear, appels, append, apples, applet, appose, aprons, aptest, arabic, arable, arames, aramid, arbors, arbour, arbute, arcade, arcana, arcane, arched, archer, arches, archil, archly, archon, arcing, arcked, arctic, ardebs, ardent, ardors, ardour, arecas, arenas, arenes, areola, areole, arepas, aretes, argala, argali, argals, argent, argils, argled, argles, argols, argons, argosy, argots, argued, arguer, argues, argufy, argyle, argyll, arhats, ariary, arider, aridly, ariels, aright, ariled, ariose, ariosi, arioso, arisen, arises, arista, aristo, arkose, armada, armers, armets, armful, armies, arming, armlet, armors, armory, armour, armpit, armure, arnica, aroids, aroint, aromas, around, arouse, aroynt, arpens, arpent, arrack, arrant, arrays, arrear, arrest, arriba, arrive, arroba, arrows, arrowy, arroyo, arseno, arshin, arsine, arsino, arsons, artels, artery, artful, artier, artily, artist, asarum, ascend, ascent, ascots, asdics, ashcan, ashier, ashing, ashlar, ashler, ashman, ashmen, ashore, ashram, asides, askant, askers, asking, aslant, asleep, aslope, aslosh, aspect, aspens, aspers, aspics, aspire, aspish, asrama, assail, assais, assays, assent, assert, assess, assets, assign, assist, assize, assoil, assort, assume, assure, astern, asters, asthma, astony, astral, astray, astute, aswarm, aswirl, aswoon, asylum, atabal, ataman, atavic, ataxia, ataxic, atelic, atlatl, atmans, atolls, atomic, atonal, atoned, atoner, atones, atonia, atonic, atopic, atrial, atrium, attach, attack, attain, attars, attend, attent, attest, attics, attire, attorn, attrit, attune, atwain, atween, atypic, aubade, auburn, aucuba, audads, audile, auding, audios, audits, augend, augers, aughts, augite, augurs, augury, august, auklet, aulder, auntie, auntly, aurate, aureus, aurist, aurora, aurous, aurums, auspex, ausubo, auteur, author, autism, autist, autoed, autumn, auxins, avails, avatar, avaunt, avenge, avenue, averse, averts, avians, aviary, aviate, avidin, avidly, avions, avisos, avocet, avoids, avoset, avouch, avowal, avowed, avower, avulse, awaits, awaked, awaken, awakes, awards, aweary, aweigh, aweing, awhile, awhirl, awless, awmous, awning, awoken, axeman, axemen, axenic, axilla, axioms, axised, axises, axites, axlike, axonal, axones, axonic, axseed, azalea, azides, azines, azlons, azoles, azonal, azonic, azoted, azotes, azoths, azotic, azukis, azures, azygos847 words found.

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