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Q: How do i get the Samsung smart TV to recognize dish network cable?
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Can the Samsung Gravity Smart phone be used on any network?

Currently the Samsung Gravity Smart phone can only be used with T-Mobile service. The Gravity works on the GSM network. Verizon operates on the CDMA network.

Does samsung make a smart phone?

Yes. Samsung does make smart phones. All brands of cell phones make smart phones. Technology is updated now and Samsung does have some new smart phones released

How do you access filmon. on samsung smart t.v. i have internet?

how can I access filmon. on Samsung smart tv. I have internet

Is Samsung flight 2 a smartphone?

Samsung Flight 2 is not a smart phone.

What is the difference between Samsung gravity and Samsung gravity smart?

The Samsung Gravity Smart is a competent Android messaging phone for smartphone newcomers in search of a physical keyboard at a budget price.

Where can I find information on Samsung smart TV's?

General information on Samsung smart TV can be found on official Samsung website. In addition, there are number of websites that provide unbiased reviews on products.

What Samsung smart phone has the best reviews?

Samsung Galaxy S3 is the best rated smart phone by Samsung. It is in head to head competition with the iPhone, but Samsung keeps putting out new updates to compete with the top rated iPhone.

Is a Samsung Captivate Glide a smart phone?

yes it is it is an android smart phone

Is a Samsung Galaxy S4 a smart phone?

Yes, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is a smartphone.

Which is better for a teenager a HTC smart a Samsung Galaxy europa or a Samsung wave 525?

samsung wave 525 definitely

How can I compare the features of the Samsung Gravity Smart phone to other Samsung cell phones?

Compared to other Samsung cell phones, the Samsung Gravity Smart phone is the first with an Android-powered handset. Comparisons can be found in the T-mobile website.

Is the Samsung rugby smart phone good?

I'm actually answering his from a rugby smart by Samsung....its awesome and tough and has performed to meet my expectations quite well