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Q: How do you drop the mixer on escape pelican rock island?
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What is the present tense of the words drop and escape?

The present word for drop is drop. Ex. I drop the camera. The present word for escape is escape. Ex. I escape into the woods. If you are talking about a different person, then add an s to the plural. Ex. My mom escapes from the house. Ex. Jonathan drops his milk on the ground.

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It appears in Drop Island Hill, when Drop Island has sunken it appears in Milonda Island Old Mansion

Which is taller the Intimidator 305 of or the Super man?

intimidator is 305ft with 300ft drop if your talking the highest rollercoaster for superman then its the escape but superman the escape is higher cause its 415ft with 328 ft drop

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drop its own tail

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When Will the Bass Drop is a song from The Lonely Island featuring Lil Jon.

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Sri Lanka

How do you escape island escape?

get the parachute,and press the red button then you will on the parachut. you will land on the tree. throw the chocolate on the floor. an animal will come. click on bart when the animal stops eating then get the bannana. give the bannana to the monkey on the next room. get the stick.

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When you have the raft, use the cursor to steer and move, following the map from island to island. When leaving an island, press the spacebar to raise the anchor. When docking at an island, press the spacebar to drop the anchor. You can also drop and raise the anchor anywhere you want to stop at sea, but you become an easier target for attacks.

How do you escape lightning?

You drop whatever you have and run behind a tree or into a ditch learn how to run SUPER fast!

What do you do after you get in the detention room in big nate island?

drop the stink bomb