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you would have carctitristics of a lycan

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Q: How do i know if i am a decendent of the lycans or if i have lycan blood?
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How do know if your a lycan?

You would know if you were a lycan because you would have been born one and brought up as one. If you knew you were a lycan you wouldn't have to ask a question on this website to find out if you really were.

Are there any Lycans In New Zealand?

A couple of werewolves that I know took a cruise that stopped over in New Zealand. Didn't hear if they made any contributions to the local population or not. They ate a lot of sheep though. Lycans do not exists and are just made up creatures that are related to werewolves, so if you are looking for a real answer, than there are not any lycans in New Zealand. Us lycans can be anywhere so there probably are.

What is the cure for a lycan bite?

I Don't know if there is a cure for a lycan's bite. I've bitten many humans, >:) but I've never seen them survive, let alone take some kind of cure. sorry.

Are do you know if your a lycan?

your shap changes and you might black out and not remember the night all your sences will be hightend

How do you know if you are a werewolf vamp etc?

Well, if you want to know if you are a real Vampire have a blood test to see if you have the HERv gene (I think that's what it's called) or visit Werewolves don't excist, they were simply ancient lunatics, schizophrenics and probably rabie victims written about in ancient Greece. However lycans are real. Want to know the few (but important) differences? Google it. But if you want to know if you are a lyncan, do you get the 'need' to hunt animals down, go out at night etc along with hightened senses? Then you are a lycan. If you experience the first two things or anythhing similar without any actual physical differences, seek proffessional help. Hope this was a good answer :)

How many things are a werewolf called?

2 that I know of, Lycan and, well, Werewolves. Some people call them beasts, but mostly because they are beasts when they are transformed. Also, add the amount of languages across the world and subtract Latin for the name Lycan.

When will the war start between humans and lycans?

Seriously, the Lycans are not well organized and aren't likely ever to be. Can you see a squad of werewolves maintaining military discipline, using weapons? I know that they are civilized in their inactive stage but as an active werewolf? Please! Lycans do not exist. Even if they did exist, humans would win. What weapons to lycans have? None. Humans have nuclear weapons that can blow up the Earth. But I think its possible 'cause we can control ourselves in our lycan form but if you think we would be faster stronger and tougher that humans and some of us might be able to use guns and stuff. But also we have teeth and claws so they help a lot. Maybe in ancient times a 'city state' of Lycans could taken on an equally disorganized Greek state, but the Persian army, the Assyrians, I don't think so. A lycan warrior would be superior to a human warrior, even Achilles would be hard pressed to equal even one. But modern war-fare doesn't really depend on the abilities of the basic soldier, it is fought with flying fortresses and floating cities, Inter-continental missiles and biological phases, not to mention the economic stresses. I'm confident that any lycan involvement would be extraneous to the 'larger' structure of commercial forces. The way to kill a lycan differs from each one so we would probably win. its been going on. we just havent been watching carefully enough There isn't really going to be a war if the Alfa Wolves have anything to do with it. All we want is peace, shoot at us if you want but, we won't attack a human just for fun! the war is coming its just a matter of time like said above we "wanted peace" but the humans are supressing us into small portions of land and some of us have had to live along side the humans... there is not enough space on earth for bolth of our species. what im trying to say here is human kind is a disease and like all diseases there is a cure. wether this cure is nuclear fallout or setting up a border between us. well... ill put it this way, not as a threat but as a forshadowing large numbers of humans will die.

How did silver know Dr Eggman?

Silvers timeline is plagued by Dr.Eggmans decendent, Eggman Nega, who likely talks at great lengths about how much of a failure his ansestor was.

What is another name for a werewolf that's starts with an L?

IDK, but there is a word for werewolf "lycanthrope". * EDIT: Lycan. This is a werewolf that can control itself. Lycanthrope is the full form of this word, however most people simply use "lycan". FYI, Einstein-with-the-first-answer, "lycanthrope" starts with the letter "L". Don't say that you don't know and then answer. That's dumb.

How do you know if your a lycan?

This is actually a good question as many people with this condition do often suffer sever denial.Black-outs. Periods of time that you cannot account for, primarily at night.LunacyCyclic behaviorism following a monthly pattern.HypersensitivityUnaccountable good health and vigour.Change in personalityProfundity and renewal of hair.Unusual Aggression or bouts of elan.your eye color would changeu also get faster a short temper and stronger (when you feel to use it)

Are lycan the same as a wolf shifter?

Recent attempts at terminology have suggested the distinction ofwerewolves reproduce by biting victimslycans reproduce by the ordinary method and inherit the condition.People who are werewolves (for example: prof. lupin from Harry Potter) ONLY change from human to wolf at full moon and the can not stop the change from happening, whereas a Lycan (for example: Jacob black from the twilight series can change from human to wolf at will and at any time or place.There isn't that much of a difference. Werewolves are humans that can transform into a humanoid wolf, and Lycans are just humanoid wolves, and supposedly start of the werewolf chain.ghost 1494: WRONG! there is a big difference between were wolves and lycans. Lycans are gods dog, a holy dog, they have control over their transformation. They have a choice in whether or not to change. The werewolves they see a full moon bam! they change into a humanoid dog. they can not control their transformation and I don't think they are holy dogs like the lycan is. Do you know what? Read a bible, it mentions lycans, a lot of people say they both are the same, but they are not. Werewolves don't know what going wrong with them, nor how to stop it. lycans are in full control. if you think I'm crazy and your a werewolf, come find me and we will see the difference. >:)Well, A werewolf is someone who voluntarily or involuntarily shifts in one aspect or another. Whereas a lycan is a mental where the person believes that they are able to transform. Tehy some times have the "need" to hunt and can take on animal instincts.OokamiWolf: NOPE! First of all, lycans transform into a wolf-like humanoid at any time of their choice. Werewolves on the other hand transform into a wolf-like humanoid only on the full moon, however. Lycans have full control over their powers unlike werewolves. Lycans grow quickly and become larger in their human for than most humans. Werewolves do not grow that quickly or that much. If you think I'm wrong, bring a lycan and a werewolf and come find me! >:3There isn't that much of a difference, Werewolves are humans that can transform into a humanoid wolf, and Lycans are just humanoid wolves, and supposedly start of the werewolf chain. ghost 1494: WRONG! there is a big difference between were wolves and lycans. lycans is gods dog, a holy dog, they have controle over there tranformtaion. they have a choice in wether or not to chang. the werewolfs they see a full moon bam! they change into a humanoid dog. they can not controle there transformation and i don't think they are holy dogs like the lycan is, do you knwo what. read a bible, it metions lycans, alot of people say they both are the same, but they are not. werewolfs don't know what going wrong with them, nor how to stop it. lycans are in full controle. if you think im crazy and your a werewolf, come find me and we will see the difference. >:)Keero: Sorry to say that all above is wrong. Lycan is an abbreviated version of the word Lycanthrope From the Greek word λυκάνθρωπος λύκος, or lukos, which means "wolf" and άνθρωπος, or anthrōpos, meaning man. And the word Werewolf derives from the Old English word Werwulf, Wer which means man( specifically male humans not the race of man), and wulf which is the Old English for wolf, but it can be also translated as beast.With that being said There is no difference, except in the Lore and behind them. Up until recently (with the coming of the Underworld movies), were Lycans used as their own Mythical beast. But in reality they are the same being, just with different names.Just as Wyrms, and Dragons are the same Mythical being.

What are the lyrics to the southern gospel song I know it was the Blood saving me as recorded by the Perry's?

I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was the blood for me. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was the blood for me. God gave His only Son. God gave His only Son. God gave His only Son for me. One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. God gave His only Son for me. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was the blood for me. They beat Him with a whip. They beat Him with a whip. They beat Him with a whip, for me. One day when I was lost, prepared Him for that cross. They beat Him with a whip for me. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was the blood for me. Never said a mumbling word, He ner said a mumbling word. Ner said a mumbling word for me. One day when I was lost, HE died upon the cross. I know it was the blood for me. His blood came streaming down. His blood came steaming down. His blood came streaming down for me. One day when I was lost. He died upon the cross. I know it was the blood for me. They pierced Him in the side. They pierced Him in the side. They pierced Him in the side for me. One day when I was lost. He died upon the cross. He died upon the cross for me. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was the blood for me. They laid Him in the tomb. They laid Him in the tomb. They laid Him in the tomb, for me. Cause one day when I was lost HE died upon the cross. He died upon the cross for me. I know it was His blood. I know it was His blood. I know it was His blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was His blood for me. He rose up from the tomb. He rose up from the tomb. He rose up from the tomb, for me. One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. But HE rose up from the tomb for me. I know it was His blood. I know it was His blood. I know it was His blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was His blood for me. He's coming back real soon. He's coming back real soon. He's coming back real soon, for me. Not for the ones that's lost. Not for the ones that's lost. He's coming back real soon for me. Have you asked Him to forgive? To come in your heart to live? He's coming back to us real soon. He wants you for His own. He made for you a home. He's coming back real soon for me. I know it was His blood. I know it was His blood. I know it was His blood for me One day when I was lost, He died upon that cross. I know it was His blood for me.