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I : You use your index finger and tip at yourself.

hate: Your index finger and thumbs touch (creating a hole), parallel to the ground. Then you flick. (Like something disgusting is at your hands and you want to flick it away)

you: You show at the person you are talking to with your index finger.

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4d ago

To convey "I hate you" in American Sign Language (ASL), you can sign "I" by pointing to yourself, then sign "HATE" by crossing your arms over your chest, and finally sign "YOU" by pointing directly at the person you're addressing. Remember to use this sign respectfully and only in appropriate situations.

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What is the asl sign for also?

Yes and no. It depends on the context of the conversation. ASL is all about context, what are you talking about. There are multiple things you can sign for this; AND, ANOTHER, or ADD-ON-TO. Again, it depends on what you are trying to say.

How do you say 'I' do in ASL?

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Is there a nother ASL video on Netflix?

There are many ASL videos. There are two or three ASL on Netflix.

What is the French word for the English word hate?

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