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Icebergs are masses of ice that have broken off of glaciers. The glaciers are formed from the compaction of snow by gravity into a dense ice.

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Q: How do icebergs form relating to the properties of water?
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Are icebergs formed from frozen salt water?

no not necessarily if fresh water gets too cold it can form an iceberg too.

How do hydrogen bonds make icebergs possible?

Hydrogen bomds hold water molecules farther apart in solid form than in liqid form.

When do icebergs form summer or winter in Antarctica?


When elements combine to form a mixture their properties do not change?

They change their properties when they combine. Hydrogen and oxygen are gases but combine to form water, a liquid.

Icebergs from when ice breaks off of a n?

Icebergs form when chunks or slabs of ice break off of a glacier. They can also form when chunks of ice break free from an ice shelf.

How cold are icebergs?

Icebergs have a temperature between 5 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. They form in the coldest parts of the planet around the Earth's poles.

Could you find an iceberg on a desert?

No, icebergs are found at sea, not in a desert. However, some icebergs form from glaciers and ice sheets in the Antarctic Desert.

Why is it that the icebergs are melting yet Australia is in drought?

When an iceberg melts, its water goes mostly into the ocean and very little evaporates to make clouds. Most of the moisture that makes rain clouds comes form the evaporation of sea water. So the icebergs that melt have an insignificant impact on the humidity in the air that is needed for rain cloud formation.

What kind of water is in the polor region?

The water in the polar regions is mainly frozen freshwater in the form of icebergs, glaciers, and sea ice. The saltwater in the polar regions is found in the surrounding oceans.

How is iceberg form?

Icebergs are blocks of fresh-water ice that break off from glaciers and float out to sea. They are made from snow that has fallen hundreds or even thousands of years.

If water is non polar molecule how would the properties if the water be different?

Water would not be able to form hydrogen bonds

Are ice glaciers in salt water?

Icebergs that break off into the ocean from glaciers do not contain salt, as they are formed by freshwater on land (snow, ice). Icebergs that form in the ocean mostly do not contain salt either. This is because as the seawater freezes, it forms a crystal structure (ice) that prevents salt ions from being included.