

How do individuals acquire mutations?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Mutations are caused by radiation, viruses,transposons and mutagenic chemicals, as well as errors that occur during meiosis or DNA replication. They can also be induced by the organism itself, by cellular processes such as hypermutation.

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Q: How do individuals acquire mutations?
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What is a genetic profile?

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Why is sexual reproduction considered better from an evolutionary standpoint?

Sexual reproduction, as opposed to asexual reproduction, combines the genomes of two different individuals to create a new genome in the offspring. This new genome has the potential to include the beneficial (or detrimental) alleles (genes) from each individual, thus driving evolution. An individual which reproduces by asexual reproduction is restricted to evolution by mutation (or complicated mechanisms such as horizontal gene transfer but that's a much bigger issue). Mutation can be good or bad, either helping the organism adapt to the environment or worsening its ability to survive and reproduce, an asexual organism is stuck with the mutations it acquires. Sexually reproducing individuals can have mutations as well, but then those mutations that the offspring acquire may be balanced out, i.e. beneficial mutations are selected for, detrimental ones are selected against and then individuals with different beneficial mutations can bring such advantages together in their offspring. Put simply, sexual reproduction increases the evolvability of an organism.

How can genetic mutations support macro-evolution?

Mutations in an individuals germ line can be passed into progeny and if these mutations are beneficial then the allele frequency in the individuals population can change which is evolution. Over time and with many beneficial mutations against a favorable environment a population, or populations, most often geographically isolated, can change alleles so much that the two split populations can no longer interbreed and you have a new species; macro-evolution.

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What is the population growth have to do with Evolution?

With more individuals reproducing there will be more varied mutations that will occur. This gives nature more to work with in selecting survivors in changing environments. When species are reduced to fewer and fewer individuals there are fewer mutations for nature to choose from for survival and and the species may go extinct in a changing environment.

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Answer this question… individuals acquire their political values and beliefs.

What are two sources of variability in evolotion?

Mutations and recombination (independent assortment). Mutations create new forms of genes. Recombination makes new individuals possible, some of which will be better adapted and more fit. Two parents can make any of trillions, probably more, of different possible individuals through genetic recombination.

What can cause changes in DNA sequences?


Changes in DNA are called mutations?

the answer is mutations.......................

What can mutations be a source of?

Mutations create changes in the genetic code. There are different types of mutations and vary in degree of harm or even benefit to the organism. If the mutation happens to be beneficial to the organism, then it can be passed down to its offspring and thus this leads to genetic variation in the population.

Are all mutations bad.?

No not all mutations are bad there are good mutations and bad mutations