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Intestinal parasites leave through the wastes produced in the digestive system. Most add eggs or young ones to the feces.

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Q: How do intestinal parasites generally leave their host?
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Why do intestinal parasites such as tapeworms have poorly developed digestive systems?

The tapeworm is an intestinal parasite that does not contain a digestive system since its body is designed to absorb digested food from its host.

What protozoan stage allows for transmission of intestinal parasites from one host to another?

The cyst stage when they can survive harsh conditions outside a host allows for the transmission from one host to another.

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becaz they don't leave the host until they absorb all the nutrients from the host parasites leave the host only after the death of host organisms.

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That depends on the parasite. Tciks for example stay on the outside of the host for a certain amount of time and, depending on the species, drop off after the blood meal. There are intestinal parasites, parasites of the liver, living in the bile ducts (fasciola hepatica), lungworms, worms in the lymph system....

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The Ascaris Worm is a parasite to humans.Like many other parasites, it usually leads a live-and-let-live existence, doing little damage to its host. But unlike many, the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides is the largest of the human intestinal parasites.

What are animals that live off host organisms called?

Parasitism .

What is the name of the organism that is harmed?

Fish can get parasites that harm them. Dogs can also get harmed by heartworms those are parasites. Humans can also be harmed by parasites. there are many parasites that can affect people.

Why will parasites die if the host was killed?

if the host dies the nutrients die with it so parasites will die as well, until they find a new host

Do parasites kill their hosts?

The life or death of the host is no concern to the parasite. A parasite concern is 1. To find a host 2. Use the host for energy 3. Reproduce 4. Leave the old host and enter a new host for their perpetuation This happens in most of the cases like in TB, malaria, Typhoid, Cholera, African sleeping sickness, Ascariasis, Amoebiasis etc. But there are some parasites which don't kill host and the host doesn't have any effect of the parasites. Such a host is called Reservoir. The monkey is the reservoir for plasmodium vivax which cause malaria in humans. some parasites are useful and they live along with us as symboints.

What are the lives of parasites supported by?

You worded your question pretty confusingly.Parasites live off the host that they are infecting, so technically the parasites are begins supported by the host itself. The role of the parasites are to infect a suitable host and start eating their energy up. That could result in the death of the host, when the population of the parasites grow.partnershostsholderscarriers

Do tapeworms eat intestinal contents intestinal bacteria red blood cells or host tissue?

The take up the intestinal contents thereby reducing the amount of food for the host animal.