

Why are parasitic forms of fungi so harmful?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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becaz they don't leave the host until they absorb all the nutrients from the host parasites leave the host only after the death of host organisms.

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Q: Why are parasitic forms of fungi so harmful?
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How is fungi harmful to other living things?

fungi is the cause of food moulds, and some skin rashes such as warts. So it can be infectious to the things it comes in contact with and potentially harmful to that organism.

What eats fungi?

Fungi are in forms of foods we eat. Mushrooms are fungi, and humans eat mushrooms, so humans eat fungi.

Why are fungi parasitic and at the same time saprophytic?

because some cant get food so parisitic while some can get food so its not parisitic

What two types of symbiosis involve fungi?

Zygomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are mutualistic with the roots of many plants. Fungal hyphae either forms a sheath around the outside of the roots or actually penetrates the root and enter directly into the root cells. The presence of the fungus increases the surface area of the root so it can absorb more water and nutrients. In return for helping the plant, the fungi uses sugars produced during photosynthesis.

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it is ploughing of fields in summer so as weeds,harmful insects..,nematodes and fungi may be minimised.

How do fungus-like protists differ from fungi?

first im not good at science so get it straight im tryna find out what it is myself

Describe two symbiotic relationships involving fungi and members of another kingdom?

Parasitic and symbiotic.Examples of parasitic fungi are ringworm and the like. They grow on the organism, and feed off of it. It provides no benefit to the host organism.Symbiotic fungi would be lichen. It is an algae growing on top of a fungus. The Algae, having chlorophyll, can perform photosynthesis. This benefits the fungus--which is unable to do so--because the fungus then feeds off the algae. The fungus in turn absorbs nutrients from whatever it is growing on, which the algae is able to absorb. So its a win/win situation.

Since fungi eat organisms what do they eat?

Animals eat fungi like sea snails.

What happens to a predator's body when it dies?

It gets decomposed by fungi and bacteria then it slowly forms with the ground for the producers so the cycle repeats itself

Is marijuana harmful when not abused?

Marijuana is not harmful when abused so I think you know your questions answer *Smoking anything is harmful, abusing marijuana can progress to mild forms of psychosis if you have prior mental disorders. but beside that no unless your under 15.

Can you see the worst kind of fungus?

Many harmful or infections fungi (or the spores) are not visible to the human eye while unassisted by a microscope. Sometimes they are, so there is not a definitive answer to the question as posed.

Does fungi have a backbone?

yes butty cheeks, so yes!