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Q: How do it a inert atom activity?
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What determines if an atom is inert or reactive?

Where its located.

What happens to the reactivity of any atom or ion that acquires the same electronic structure as an inert gas?

any atom that has or acquires a valence shell containing exactly eight electrons often is or becomes quite inert.

What type of bond would be formed between a carbon atom and a helium atom?

Helium will not react with carbon as helium is chemically inert.

Does argon represent a molecule or an atom?

Like all the inert gases it is in atomic form. No molecules like Ar2 are possible. Atom

Is a atom with 7 neutrons 6 protons and 6 electrons active or inert?


How many electrons in atom will make it inert?

unicorn squared + centaur - asian= ur answer

What atom doesn't usually form bonds?

Helium and neon are inert chemical elements.

What atom has 2 neutrons?

There are two atoms with two neutrons. One is hydrogen-3 which is radioactive. The other is helium-4 which is a stable and inert atom.

What is its general characteristics of inert gas?

The electron valence shell is filled and as a consequence the atom is very unreactive.

When the outer energy level of an atom is full the element is said to be non reactive or inert is called?

If the outer energy level is full, the element is said to be non reactive and inert. It is stable in nature.

If an atom in group 18 is placed near an atom of group 2 what will usually happen?

Nothing. Group II metals are reactive, but the group 18 or inert gases are not.

How atoms gain electron?

when an any atoms want to achieved a state of nearest an inert atom, its gain electron