

How do koalas hear?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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10y ago

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Depending on the predator, yes. Koalas have acute hearing, and can certainly hear ungainly creatures such as domestic dogs, as well as stealthier animals such as dingoes. They would be unlikely to hear a python.

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10y ago

By listening.

Koalas hear with their ears just like we do. They have very good senses of hearing and smell, which helps to make up for their poor eyesight.

The Australian Koala Foundation has the most complete information about koalas, and states that koalas have "Highly developed hearing and sense of smell". It goes on to say, "Koalas' large ears are a feature of their appearance and, as koalas live in populations where the individual animals live at relatively large distances apart, their keen sense of hearing is very important to their socialisation with other koalas and to their survival."

When koalas are born they are blind, hairless, and have no ears. They develop eyes and ears over the course of 6-7 months while inside their mother's pouch. So when it is first born, A koala actually can't hear.

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15y ago

yes koalas do have predators. their predators are mostly humans but their predators are also feral dogs and dingos.

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