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Tornadoes have almost no effect on landforms. In extreme cases an exceptionally violent tornado may strip away a foot or two of soil, but that is the most you will see happen.

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Q: How do land forms change after tornado?
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Can a tornado change a land forms?

Not really. The very strongest tornadoes can somtimes scour away soil, but not more than that.

What a tornado looks like?

A waterspout it a tornado that forms on a body of water. It looks like a land formed tornado but on a smaller scale.

Does the air pressure change inside the tornado?

Yes the pressure drops as the tornado forms and progresses. The tornado's lowest pressure is in the center.

A funnel shapped windstorm that forms over land is called?

Such a windstorm is called a tornado.

What is one thing that a tornado can't do?

Tornadoes cannot change the shape of the land.

How does a tornado change the land destructively?

It tears up trees and houses and ruins the grass.

What forms the shape of a tornado?

a tornado is formed by a thunderstorm

What storm forms in midwestern U.S. tornado or hurricane?

Tornadoes form in the Midwest. Hurricanes can't form over land.

What is a tornado on water called not waterspouts?

Waterspout is the correct term. If a tornado forms on water by the same mechanisms that it would form on land (i.e. from the mesocyclone of a supercell) it is called a tornadic waterspout.

How does water change land forms at the shore?

it makes rock

What effect does a tornado pattern have on land and people in it's path?

People die in tornado's and when a tornado is on land it changes colour.

What is the name of a tornado that occurs on land?

A tornado. Tornadoes usually occur on land anyway.