

How do leeches benefit from sucking blood?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It makes it healthier

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Q: How do leeches benefit from sucking blood?
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Related questions

What eats leeches?

Fish!Fish love worms and leeches are essentially blood sucking

How do leeches acquire blood?

Leeches are born by getting detached from the bodies of the adult leeches. They are usually segmented. When one segment is detached the new leeches are born.

How can leeches be useful in medicine?

since leeches feed by sucking the blood out of their hosts.......they can be used in quantity to suck impurities or toxins out

Why are leeches used today?

to help reattach tissues by sucking the blood to help the blood flow until the vein reconnects.

What are some examples of parasites found in ponds?

leeches sucking the blood out of fishies and other animals that live in the ponds

What is a blood sucking parasite once used by physicians?

Leeches! They are also used today. Surgeons use them when they reattach a limb. Leeches.

What insects did people put on their skin to cure people?

Leeches and other blood sucking animals supposedly got rid of bad blood hope this helps

What is a leeche?

A leech is an annelid or segmented worm related to earthworms. Most are aquatic although there are land leeches in the tropics. Some leeches are blood sucking parasites but others are predators.

Why did people think the leeches would be helpful?

Leeches suck blood and it was believed that leeches would actually suck the bad blood\diseased blood out of your body. Today leeches are used after reattachment of body parts, particularly fingers and toes. The leeches relieve the congestion of blood in the affected parts. The leeches also put a chemical into the blood in the area of the attachment that prevents blood from clotting.

How do leeches suck your blood?

First they wait and when they sense a person passing by, they fall on the person. If they don't score a direct hit, they follow their victim. They poke the skin and then they bite it with their teeth and they have lots of teeth! Then they suck the blood until their full. Some leeches help people in hospitals by sucking the blood. The wound lets in fresh oxygen and saves the victim.

Why do leeches drink blood?

Most leeches are fluid feeders. Blood-sucking leeches drink as much blood as they can from their victims. This blood is stored in special sacs at the side of their intestine and digested later. Most can consume 3 times their own body weight in one meal. This allows the leech to survive long periods without food.

Do leeches make good pets?

No, leeches suck blood