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Since all ligers are kept in zoos or private collections, they are fed by their keepers and have little need to hunt and attack their food. It'll be served to them dead.

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Q: How do ligers attack their food?
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Related questions

Who are predators to ligers?

Ligers don't have predators, but people can somtimes kill ligers, and leopards sometimes get into fights with ligers, and can sometimes end up killing the ligers for their food that they were fighting for. But sometimes ligers can win and the leopards will die.

Where are Ligers in the Food Chain?

Since there are no ligers in the wild, and they're all fed by humans, they share our place in the food chain.

What is a ligers mating habits?

Ligers are so playful! and also ligers like swimming! cool right?

How can you protect ligers and tigons?

to give money for their food

How do ligers get food?

Since there are no ligers in the wild, they are all fed by their keepers. Unless they manage to catch some animal that end up in their enclosure by accident.

Where does a liger gets it food?

Since there are no ligers in the wild, they all get their food from their keeper, in their enclosure.

How a liger gets its food?

Since there are no ligers in the wild, they are all fed by their keepers.

What are locomotions of ligers?

Like its parents, the tiger and lion, the liger has four legs, in order to move around. They like to stay near water and go swimming.

Do ligers eat other ligers?

yes ligers do

what do ligers do in the wild?

There are no wild ligers.

How do you get info on ligers?

You get info on ligers by going on Wikipedia and looking up Ligers on the internet.

Are ligers vegetarians?

No, ligers are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. Ligers are not naturally occurring in the world and the only ligers in existence were born in captivity.