

How do lions get energy from the sun?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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they get energy by eating plants which absorb energy during photosynthesis, then a deer comes along and eats the plant and then the deer gets energy. well, a lion comes along and is hungry so he eats the deer, thus giving him energy from the sun.

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Q: How do lions get energy from the sun?
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How do lions get their energy from the sun?

Lions eat zebras, who eat grass, who obtain energy from the sun.

Does a lion obtain energy directly from the sun or indirectly?

All animals, including lions, obtain their energy from the sun indirectly.

How does energy flow from the sun to a mountain lion?

Solar energy is absorbed by plants which use it to make food. Deer eat the plants and use the plant's energy to carry on life. Mountain lions then eat the deer.

How does a lion rely on the sun for energy?

Yes because the sun helps grow the grass, and antelopes eat the grass, and lions eat the antelope. It's the circle of life

Explain why fewer lions than gazelles live on the African plains?

Because Gazelles eat grass which grass gets its energy from the sun. Lions don't get the energy that the Gazelles get from the grass because it has done went through it's digest system

Why does only this much energy transfer to the next?

Only this much energy is transferred to each level because plants take up 90% of the sun's energy because they are obviously the most populated, and primary consumers such as cows aren't as populated as plants so they only get 10% of the remaining energy and so on as for examples of humans, and then lions. Lions 0.1% energy Humans 1% energy Cows 10% energy Plants 100% energy Hope this helped! :)

How is the sun ultimate source of energy on the earth?

You see, the sun helps make the grass, and the antelope eat the grass, and lions eat the antelope, and when the lons die, they become the grass, with the help of the sun. Thus it is all part of the circle of life.

Why does only this much energy transfer to the next level?

Only this much energy is transferred to each level because plants take up 90% of the sun's energy because they are obviously the most populated, and primary consumers such as cows aren't as populated as plants so they only get 10% of the remaining energy and so on as for examples of humans, and then lions. Lions 0.1% energy Humans 1% energy Cows 10% energy Plants 100% energy Hope this helped! :)

What energy you get from the sun?

Sun energy.

What energy is sun?

the sun's energy is called solar energy

Energy from the sun?

Energy from the sun is called solar energy.

How are lions furry?

Lions have adapted to Earth, so to protect themselves from the sun, lions grew fur.