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The answer to this question is extraordinarily involved, but I will try to answer it briefly. Food is eaten and broken down by physical and chemical processes into its most basic components - carbohydrates, proteins (and amino acids), and lipids. These molecules are used as building blocks and energy sources. The primary method of energy production utilized by cells is an aerobic process known as the Krebs cycle or the citric acid cycle. In this process, which itself is incredibly involved, glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid, which in turn is used in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and NADH. Both of these molecules contain high amounts of potential energy in the form of electrons. When ATP is used, the electron is stripped off and kinetic energy is released and used. ADP and a phosphate group are the resultant molecules, and they are 'recycled' to produce more ATP. NADH feeds its electrons into the Electron Transfer Chain in the mitochondria, producing very large amounts of ATP to be used in other cellular processes.

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3w ago

Living things get energy from the sun through the process of photosynthesis. Plants, algae, and some bacteria contain chlorophyll which absorbs sunlight and converts it into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This glucose is then used as a source of energy for growth and maintenance within the living organism.

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11y ago

In many ways, but one of the more obvious ways is helping to grow plants that provide food for us and other animals.

Also, without the energy from the sun, the world would be to cold for us to live and for life as we know it to exist.

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15y ago

The energy from the sun enters through autotrophs.

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1y ago


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Q: How do living things get energy from the sun?
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Where do living things get energy?

To answer it is The Sun.

How do living things get energy from sun?

The energy from the sun enters through autotrophs.

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Living things depend on energy from?

Living things depend on energy from nutrients in their food. This energy is used for various biological processes like growth, movement, and reproduction. Without this energy source, living organisms would not be able to survive.

What is a source of energy for earths living things?

The sun, respiration, photosynthesis and food are all sources of energy for living things.

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Yes, the energy contained in biomass is that gleaned from the Sun by living things.

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Living things get their energy from sun,soil,water,food?

What is the sun used as in all living things?

i believe it's used as energy in all living things

What is provided by the sun?

All the energy we use to in living things.

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The original source of energy for all living things is the sun. Plants capture sunlight through photosynthesis to produce energy-rich molecules that are used as fuel by organisms throughout the food chain.