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I'm no expert, so I'll try to give you a vague description.

As the metal string on an Electric Guitar vibrates they act on the magnetic field of the pickups. (I'm not sure if you've done experiments in physics class before where you move a magnet through a metal cylinder, this causes an electrical charge to be produced, almost the same principle with pickups)

The electric signal then travels through the wiring and into the amplifier, which "amplifies" the electric signal.

A somewhat vague description but pretty much the basics of it.

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15y ago
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14y ago

electromagnets are used located in the pickups of an electric guitar. (tiny bars under the strings) these capture the strings' vibrations and turn the minto an electrical sugnal which then travels to the amplifier.

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15y ago

For most of the commercial models, the field is created with either a permanent magnet or alternating current through a wound coil (or combination thereof). The field is modulated by the metal in the vibrating guitar strings, and this modulation is the signal that is amplified to make the sound. A good article on pickups is in the link below.

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9y ago

Electric Guitars don't have electromagnets, they have induction coils. They're more or less the same, but work in reverse. Electromagnets send current through a wire to make a piece of metal a magnet, while the induction coil takes the kinetic energy from the moving string, and turns it into a weak electric signal.

The electric signal produced is what the amplifier detects and amplifies into the sound you hear coming from the speakers.

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16y ago

Have a look at the term - Pickup -

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11y ago

why dont you

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Q: How do magnets work in an electric guitar?
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How are magnets used in guitars?

the pickups on an electric guitar are just magnets. they pickup the vibrations of the strings to make the sound. depending on the position and the magnets, the guitar will get different sounds.

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An electric guitar uses magnets to create sound waves. The strings of the guitar vibrate over a magnetic pickup, which converts these vibrations into electric signals. These signals are then amplified and produce sound through speakers.

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it is a guitar that uses electricity to make the amplifier work, si they decided to call it the "electric guitar"

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How are magnets used in music?

Magnets are (literally) the core of guitar pickups.

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