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They can survive if they leave very inconspicuously, without making vibrations in the female spider's web.

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Q: How do male spiders try to survive the process of being eaten by females after mating?
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"Different spiders mate in different positions, but in all cases the aim is to transfer sperm from the male to the female. The male does this by inserting the mating organ at the end of its pedipalp (a spine-like structure on tip) carrying the sperm, into the female's reproductive (epigynal) opening on the underside of her body. In some species the tip of the pedipalp will break off during mating or a hardened secretion will block the females openings, preventing other males from mating with that female. The sperm is stored in sacs inside the female's abdomen until she is ready to lay her eggs." Source:

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Do female spiders eat the male spider?

Some species of female spiders do eat the male spiders after mating. Since spiders are intraguild predators, meaning that they eat each other, female spiders eat male spiders of the same and other species as food all the time.

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