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When a space rock hits the atmosphere, the heat of friction and the compression shock wave heat the rock to incandescence, or "glowing hot". It is this streak of fire in the sky that we call a "meteor", sometimes inaccurately called a "falling star" or "shooting star". Sometimes the heat and pressure cause the rock to break up, or oftentimes, to explode.

If the meteor strikes the Earth, it becomes a "meteorite". If it is big enough and fast enough, it may explode on impact, causing a crater.

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Q: How do meteors and meteorites break up?
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Meteors that strike the ground are called meteorites.

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Meteoroids, Meteors & Meteorites.

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Meteors mostly come from comets. I mean "meteors" not meteorites. Meteors are the things that burn up as they streak across the sky. They aren't the things that land on Earth.

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Meteorites don't revolve - they are meteors that have fallen to Earth.

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Asteroids get caught in Earth's gravitational pull. Asteroids become meteroids when they enter Earth's atmosphere. Meteroids becomes meteors when they light up due to friction. Meteors become meteorites when they hit Earth's surface.

Are meteors falling stars?

Yes falling stars and shooting stars are meteors and meteorites.

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THe Moon doesn't have an atmosphere, which is what protects Earth from most meteorites.

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Meteors do not orbit the Sun. Meteors are to be found/seen in the Earth's atmosphere burning up. Before they enter the Earths atmosphere they are called meteoroids and if they land on Earth they are called meteorites.

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The meteor is the streak of light in the sky; the meteorite is the rock that caused it.

What created the craters on the moon?

Mostly meteors