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Q: How do microscopes help scientists and doctors?
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How does microscopes help scientists observe objects?

it performs calculations.

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How do microscopes help scientists study cells?

Because eden is awsome

What did scientists discover with the help of microscopes?

i dont really know yet

How did telescope and microscopes help scientists gain new insight into nature?


What did scientists discover with the help microscopes?

Can be used to see cells as small as bacteria.

Why do doctors need microscopes?

Doctors need microscopes because they need to discover new diseses. Doctors need microscopes because they need to discover new diseses.

Why are microscopes important to doctors?

they were able to help see germs clearer and inspect them more

How have microscopes helped scientists?

Microscopes were what lead to the discovery of cells!

How do microscopes help scientists do research?

Microscopes allow scientists to confirm what is happening on a small scale. For example, we can observe the effects of a new drug on liver cells. It merely makes it easier to empirically check theories.

Why are microscopes used?

Microscopes are frequently used by scientists and doctors to more closely examine things such as cells that are so small they are invisible to the naked eye.

How did microscope's improve our lives?

Microscopes improved our lives because some peoples with cancer could die without then. Microscopes helped doctors look at cells and determine cancer cells, so they were easier to remove, when they reproduced. Scientists also used microscopes, and still do because it is easier to see the cells, bacteria, and other microorganisms from the microscope. That is how microscopes improved our lives.