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The microwaves excite rotational modes in molecules that have an electric dipole. Water molecules have a dipole because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen and the molecules are bent (H-O-H angle about 105 degrees).

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you put ti in the microwave and it heats up

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Q: How do microwave enable water to be heated in microwave ovens?
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Which property of food is necessary in microwave ovens?

Microwave ovens primarily heat water (they can heat metal as well, although that is not their purpose), therefore food must contain some moisture in order to be heated in a microwave oven. Dried food will not heat well.

An experiment tested microwave-heated water to water plants and the plants died. This suggests that the microwave did something to the water to make it harmful. Is microwave heated water harmful?

All a microwave does is send microwaves through objects and speed up the molecules. The reason the plants died is because the water was hot.

What kind of simple machine is oven?

A microwave oven, or a microwave, is a kitchen appliances that cooks or heats food by dielectric heating. This is accomplished by using microwave radiation to heat water and other polarized molecules within the food. This excitation is fairly uniform, leading to food being adequately heated throughout (except in thick objects), a feature not seen in any other heating technique.Basic microwave ovens heat food quickly and efficiently, but do not brown or bake food in the way conventional ovens do. This makes them unsuitable for cooking certain foods, or to achieve certain effects. Additional kinds of heat sources can be added to microwave packaging, or into combination microwave ovens, to add these additional effects.Microwaving food raises several safety issues, but also reduces certain risks, such as that of fire from high temperature heat sources.

How hot does it get inside of a microwave?

The temperature in a microwave oven is probably a bit less than the temperature of the food that is being heated. If you bring a dish of water to a boil, the water will be about 100 oC, and the oven will be maybe half that or a bit more than half that inside the cavity. (The cavity is where the food is heated.) Remember that the appliance heats via microwave radiation, and not by generating "regular" heat like a gas or electric range. Whatever is in the cavity being heated will transfer heat to the inside of the oven, and that contributes to the reason the cavity is hot.

What energy transfer takes place with a microwave?

In a microwave oven, energy is transferred from the emitter (which is technically a klystron) to the water molecules in the item being heated, which have a resonant frequency equal to that of the microwave emission.

Why do microwave ovens need to be regularly checked for safety?

they are regularly checked as microwaves can cook anything containing water, for example, your body cells.

What type of simple machine a microwave has?

A microwave oven, or a microwave, is a kitchen appliances that cooks or heats food by dielectric heating. This is accomplished by using microwave radiation to heat water and other polarized molecules within the food. This excitation is fairly uniform, leading to food being adequately heated throughout (except in thick objects), a feature not seen in any other heating technique.Basic microwave ovens heat food quickly and efficiently, but do not brown or bake food in the way conventional ovens do. This makes them unsuitable for cooking certain foods, or to achieve certain effects. Additional kinds of heat sources can be added to microwave packaging, or into combination microwave ovens, to add these additional effects.Microwaving food raises several safety issues, but also reduces certain risks, such as that of fire from high temperature heat sources.

What heat transfer uses electromagnetic waves to increase thermal energy?

Microwave Radiation is Very Effectively absorbed by Water molecules, this results in the increased thermal agitation of the Water molecules that absorb the Mw radiation - as found in Microwave ovens.

Why wont a microwave melt when its heating food?

Microwave ovens work by exciting water molecules and polarized molecules within the food, such as fats and sugars. There are none of these in the microwave's internal casing, which is also resistant enough to the heat produced during operation.

Why does an empty plate not heat up in the microwave?

Microwave ovens work because the microwaves excite water molecules in the food, causing them to vibrate rapidly. This raises the temperature of the material (and is why microwave ovens 'heat food from the inside out', or 'right through' might be more accurate). A dry plate does not contain much water, so it doesn't get hot.

What happens when you put metal submerged in water in a microwave?

If metal is left unexposed in a microwave oven, the metal will deflect the microwaves and cause sparks. However, if it is submerged in water, the microwaves dissipate and are absorbed by the liquid. In turn, the water is heated.

When you cook pizza in microwave oven why does the cheese not melt?

Miocrowave ovens have the greatest effect on things with a high water content. Cheese has little water, and takes much longer to heat.