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Q: How do mother bats care for their babies?
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Do mother bats take care of their babies or do they just leave them to fend for themselves?

Mother bats take care of their babies

How mother bat care for her babies?

Female bats nurse their youngsters until they are nearly adult size. Newborn bats rely on the milk from their mother's nipples for sustenance. When they are a few weeks old, bats are expected to fly and hunt on their own.

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let the mother take care of her babies you just have to take care of the mother like feeding her making sure that she has plenty of water to drink and a clean environment.

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no they do not

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yes they do

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Yes they do.

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the mother and father

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Mother Rabbits care for their babies by burrowing them to keep them warm and giving them milk once a day.

What do you call some who takes care of babies?

A mother is someone who takes care of a baby

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They dont

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with great care and affection