

How do mustangs horses get their food?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do mustangs horses get their food?
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Mustangs bigger than domestic horses?

No, Mustangs are just wild horses.

Are mustangs carnivores?

No. Mustangs are feral horses and like all horses are grazing animals (herbivores).

What is a herd of wild horses called?

American wild horses are generally called mustangs.

Are mustangs wild?

All mustangs are free roaming horses, so in a sense, they are wild, but because they are descendants from domesticated horses that the Spanish brought over they are not wild horses, they are called feral horses.

Horses and mustangs are born alive?

Most horses and Mustangs anre born alive. But occasionally, misfortune visits and the Equines are born dead.

What kind of horses survive in the wild?


Do mustangs horses travel in packs or alone?

Mustangs typically travel in herds, but they will travel alone if they have to.

Has mustangs always been ford?

NO, In the early days prior to 1965 all mustangs were wild and lived mostly in the southwest US. Originally from Europe, the mustangs were a product of wild horses interbreeding with Asian horses.

Why do they call the horses MUSTANGS?

Mustangs are a breed of horse.I have a horse breeds book and it says;" The term 'Mustang' is derived from the Spanish word mestena which means a group or herd of horses.It figures, because Mustangs are descended from Spainish horses and they first seen as wild horses.

Are domestic horses bigger than mustang horses?

domestic because they are bred to be larger/smaller ie from minis to clydsdales. mustangs are usually around 14 hh

What continent can Mustang Horses be found?

Mustangs are those feral horses that are found in North America. Wild horses found on other continents are not known as Mustangs, but by other names, such as Brumbies in Australia.

How meny wild horses are endangered?

only 3% of original mustangs are atill wild today