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Q: How do mutations and sexual reproduction help species to adapt?
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Sexual reproduction gives the species?

an increased ability to adapt

What are the evolutionary values of mutations?

Mutations have allowed species to adapt the their environment.

How does sexual reproduction help a species adapt more easily to environmental change?

They have a better chance of surviving and reproducing.

What would happen if we didn't have mutations?

Life would've probably gone extinct ever since it's beginnings, and if it didn't that would've been either luck or a high level of reproduction throughout the species.

What does the reshuffling of chromosomes in sexual reproduction increase?

Sexual reproduction allows a species to develop the means necessary to adapt to ever-changing environment conditions, so long as the change isn't too drastic or happen too suddenly.

The main biological benefit of sexual reproduction?

Animals can adapt and keep living

Why is sexual reproduction considered better from an evolutionary standpoint?

Sexual reproduction, as opposed to asexual reproduction, combines the genomes of two different individuals to create a new genome in the offspring. This new genome has the potential to include the beneficial (or detrimental) alleles (genes) from each individual, thus driving evolution. An individual which reproduces by asexual reproduction is restricted to evolution by mutation (or complicated mechanisms such as horizontal gene transfer but that's a much bigger issue). Mutation can be good or bad, either helping the organism adapt to the environment or worsening its ability to survive and reproduce, an asexual organism is stuck with the mutations it acquires. Sexually reproducing individuals can have mutations as well, but then those mutations that the offspring acquire may be balanced out, i.e. beneficial mutations are selected for, detrimental ones are selected against and then individuals with different beneficial mutations can bring such advantages together in their offspring. Put simply, sexual reproduction increases the evolvability of an organism.

What is the advantages of sexual reproductive?

You can transmit new genetic improvements to your offspring. For example, if there is a sudden famine, a species that produces sexually instead of asexually will be better able to have future generations adapt faster.

Why all mutation are not necessarily harmful?

Mutations are changes in DNA. Most are neutral or beneficial. Mutations have allowed animals to adapt to new environments and new species to evolve.

What would happen if a ovary is missing in a flower?

The ovary is the female sexual part or gonad of the flower. If it is missing, the plant would have to rely on asexual reproduction such as the multiplying of the bulb, rooting of stem parts or the leaf, new plants from runners, etc. Many plants do not rely on seeds for reproduction, but without it the species will have no genetic variability and no way to adapt to changing environments. The species will die out eventually without the ability to adapt.

What would happen if the ovules were missing in a flower?

The ovary is the female sexual part or gonad of the flower. If it is missing, the plant would have to rely on asexual reproduction such as the multiplying of the bulb, rooting of stem parts or the leaf, new plants from runners, etc. Many plants do not rely on seeds for reproduction, but without it the species will have no genetic variability and no way to adapt to changing environments. The species will die out eventually without the ability to adapt.

What is an advantage that sexual reproduction from plants have over reproduction from plant parts?

Reproduction from plant parts is basically cloning, which means that the new individual will be genetically identical with its parent. If circumstances (weather)would change beyond what th parent plant can cope with, the plant would die out. Sexual reproduction means each new plant is a (different) mix of the characteristics of both parents, making it possible for the species to adapt to changes in the environment.