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They change supply when you see them for who they are; their need for constant attention and adoration trumps any needs you may have.

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Q: How do narcissists know when to change their Narcissistoc supply?
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When the narcissist is in idealisation phase is this the same as what we know as love?

Empathically not. Narcissists are incapable of loving. Idealization - the unrealistic, fantasic, pathological, and utilitarian adulation of a source of narcissistic supply - has nothing to do with love.

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You need to supply additional information. What changes?

Are most narcissists physically attractive and know it?

Narcissists can be male or female or attractive or unattractive. They act as if they are the best thing ever and the center of the universe whether they are attractive or not. A person could be physically attractive and realize it but not be a narcissist. After all, models know they are attractive. Let's assume they're not all narcissists. ~ T

Can narcissists fall in love?

They are already in love with the only person they will ever be in love with and that is- themselves. if it seems that they are in love with you they are not. they have become experts at faking love and sometimes, since they don't know what love feels, they mistake their need and love for attention (from which they get from their supply/mate) with the feeling they have towards their mate. Basically they think they love you but they actually love what you are giving them (attention, money etc,) not you.

Should you drop a restraining order against a narcissist if you know you're his negative supply now?

Never drop a restraining order against someone. Something made you get it in the first place. Stick with it. Has he gone through therapy? Probably not. Narcissists don't change. Trust me on that. Keep the restraining order. If you cancel it you'll lose credibility with the law and also you will regret dropping it. ~ T

How might you calculate elasticity of supply?

Elasticity of supply is the amount a price changes based on changes in supply. An elastic good's price will change as the price changes. If the good is inelastic, as the supply of the product changes, the price does not change. Inelastic curves are very straight up and down. Elastic curves are straight horizontally. Elasticity of supply is an important factor for business managers. Business managers want to know how the price they offer for their product will change based on how much they produce.

Are narcissists jealous?

Know the difference between jealousy and envy. Narcissists are inherently jealous; they dislike when others think someone else is better than them. However, narcissists are not envious because they believe that they are better than everyone else... envy goes against everything a narcissist is.

What does a narcissist do to get supply?

Like they treated you... great in the beginning and then after a while like trash. So when you see him with his new supply don't be sad when you see him treating her like gold and don't think "Why didn't he treat me like that when we were together" because he is just putting on his false face for her to get what he wants and as soon as he has it in full he will began to devalue her or dump her for another supply. I would feel sad for her, when I first married my N he said these words to me "You don't know what you have gotten yourself into." I laughed it off but now it is so true. I didn't I do. And his new supply doesn't know either... but she will know.

What type of narcissistic supply do you give a narcissist to regain their trust and favor?

Why in the hell would you want to be just one of a narcs servants? If you give sex, so will someone else. If you give money, they will take it from you and someone else also. No matter what you supply a narc, you will be just another source to use. What the hell is wrong with you? These narcs dont know or do they care about you, only what you supply along with everyone else. You do not understand Narcissism. REMEMBER THIS: NARCISSISTS DO NOT TRUST ANYONE OR LOVE ANYONE THEY SIMPLY CAN NOT. They can fake it really well but that is used to keep you deceived so they can get what you supply. IT IS A SCAM BABY!

Why study elasticity of demand and supply?

We have to study the elasticity of demand and supply so that we can know what we want to know.

A sentence with supply in it?

My mom told me that if I know the word supply and I told her that I did not know

Why do Narcissists who ruin you say they love you but walk away anyway?

A true Narcissist does not know what love it. Their heart is an empty shallow shell because they prefer self-centeredness to love. Everything emotional in a Narcissists life is superficial because they really don't have any feelings for other and they don't know how to be empathetic to others needs. All they know how to do is play along. As long as they look good on the outside, their false self, then everything in their life is swwelllllllllllllll.