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they look bigger.

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Q: How do objects appear different under the microscope than when viewed naturally?
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magnify glass
Related questions

How do objects appear in a microscope?


What is used to make objects appear larger?

a microscope

What can a light microscope do?

it employs light to detect small objects and make them appear bigger

In a light microscope the lenses does what to the image?

makes objects look closer than they appear

What scientific tool makes an object appear larger than they really are?

A microscope is a scientific tool that can make objects appear larger than they really are. By using lenses to magnify the image, a microscope allows researchers to study and observe tiny structures and organisms that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye.

Does iodine help make clear objects appear lighter under a microscope?

Yes, did it with a potato peel and you can see a lot more detail.

Why do celestial objects appear different with different telescopes?

There are different variations of the magnifying power of the telescope, which is why they look different.

What is lens that makes objects look larger called?

there is something in the telescope that helps things appear larger

How does a microscope let you see small objects?

It magnifies the specimen by a certain degree to make it appear larger and let you see more detail which were not visible to the naked eye. It is done with the help of lenses which are aided in microscope

Why some objects appear to be different colors when seen in different colors of light?

it depends on what kind of object is that

What direction do objects move under the microscope as compared to the direction they move in real life?

When viewed through a microscope, things appear to move in the opposite direction than they are really moving. If you move an object to the right, it appears to move left. The lenses of the microscope reverse the image.

How does an image of an object seen under a microscope appear to move when you move the object?

objects appear to move the opposite. like if the actual direction is left, the apparent direction would be right, and so on. ---Nicole<3333