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Q: How do organizations such as unicef and red cross make use of hdi statistics?
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How do charitable organisation such as unicef and oxfam and the redcross make use of the hdi statistics?

Charitable organizations like UNICEF, Oxfam, and the Red Cross may use HDI statistics to identify regions or countries with low human development levels, helping them prioritize their aid efforts. By understanding the health, education, and income levels of a particular area, they can tailor their programs to address the specific needs of the population and maximize the impact of their interventions. Additionally, HDI statistics can also help these organizations measure the long-term progress and effectiveness of their projects in improving human development outcomes in communities they support.

How much money did unicef make in 2008?

UNICEF's total income for 2006 was $2,781,000,000.

Can UNICEF make profit?

Yes, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is a nonprofit organization. It was created in 1946 to help children in war-torn Europe, China, and the Middle East, but now addresses the needs of the children in any part of the developing world. UNICEF is financially supported by voluntary contributions of governments, non-government organizations, foundations, corporations, and individuals. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF meets the highest standards of the Better Business Bureau and Charity Navigator. Of every dollar spend, 91.2 cents go towards directly helping children; 6.3 cents are spent on fundraising and 2.5 cents on administration. Their 990 tax forms are online and available for anyone to view.You can find out more information about UNICEF's work and donating at or

Types of statistics?

There are two types of statistics. One is called descriptive statistics and the other is inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics is when you use numbers. Inferential statistics is when you draw conclusions or make predictions.

What is the application statistics in business?

Statistics help managers make decisions. They use statistics when it comes to production and hiring employees. Statistics are everywhere in the business world.

What is meant by business statistics explain in details?

Business statistics are quantitative measures that help managers make better decisions. Managers use statistics to make decisions about products and employees.

When did Audrey Hepburn make the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund?

It was made after her death as a tribute to her work as a UNICEF member.

How do you make a sentence with the word statistics?

In school today we learned about statistics. Knowledge of statistics and probability can help one predict future events.

What is the rationale of studying statistics?

There are very many things in life where the outcome is uncertain. Studying statistics gives you the tools to make sense of the information, validate the information and helps you to make rational decisions based on statistics.

What is inferential statistics?

Inferential statistics, is used to make claims about the populations that give rise to the data we collect. This requires that we go beyond the data available to us. Consequently, the claims we make about populations are always subject to error; hence the term "inferential statistics" and not deductive statistics.

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Do the owners of non profit organizations make money?

Not as owners - dividends. However, you can make a LOT of money working as an employee and paying yourself a huge salary (it just has to be disclosed). I suspect the CEO of an organization such as the Red Cross makes over a million $ per year.