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Osmosis occurs in the small intestines which contain the villi. There are blood vessels connected to the villi so nutrients/glucose in the small intestines diffuses through the semi-permeable membrane of the cells in the blood vessel.

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Q: How do osmosis and villi play a role in feeding cells the glucose they need?
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Do cells in villi uptake glucose by active transport?

yes but sometimes no

What does 'villi' have to do with respiration?

Villi are tiny, finger-like projections in the lining of the small intestine that help absorb nutrients from food during digestion. They do not play a direct role in respiration, which is the process of exchanging gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) in the lungs.

Where in your body does your blood pick up glucose?

Your blood picks up glucose primarily in the small intestine after absorbing it from the food you eat. The glucose is then transported via the bloodstream to cells throughout your body where it can be used as a source of energy.

What is the function of villi cells in the intestines?

the villi vastly increases the surface area for the absoption of food.

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How does the glucose get to the body cells?

Glucose is absorbed through the small intestine into the capillaries. There are millions of villi (finger-like projections) that line the inside of the small intestine to increase its surface area for absorption. Villi have a very rich blood supply, so the glucose can be absorbed quickly and the blood is taken away quickly, maintaining a steep concentration gradient for more glucose, and other food, to be absorbed.

How do the finger like structures relate to the function of the small intestine?

If you mean the hairs on the cells they are villi and micro-villi

What is the purpose of villi in living cells?

villi are present to increase the surface area of cell for maximum absorbance of nutrients

Does the large intestine have villi?

The answer is small intestine.

What does the intestine wall made of?

Epithelial cells called villi

What are the Crypts of lieberkuhn?

They are intestinal cells found in the Small Intestine (SI). They are in the inter-villi space (between villi) and project down into the lamina propria of the SI. They contain Paneth cells, which secrete lysozymes.

What is the function of blood vessels of the villi?

The blood vessels in the villi absorb nutrients from digested food in the small intestine and transport them to the rest of the body. This allows nutrients like glucose and amino acids to be distributed to cells for energy and growth.