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Q: How do other kids treat other kids with cerebral palsy?
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Can people with cerebral palsy have kids?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that cerebral palsy affects fertility. Research suggests cerebral palsy is inherited in only a very small percentage of cases and there are normally other additional social or cultural factors. The risk of a mother or father with cerebral palsy having a child with cerebral palsy is generally not significantly different from that of any other person. Generally, there is no medical reason why a woman with cerebral palsy should not have a baby, with no greater risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

What are some good resources about coping with Cerebral Palsy?

Check out the gillettechildren site for resources on coping with kids who have Cerebral Palsy. Also look at the cerebralpalsy dot org site for more information about the disease.

Where can one get more information on cerebral palsy?

There are lots of information about cerebral palsy that one can get online. Some good and informational websites include Wikipedia, Kids Health, CDC, Ask dot com, and Web MD.

What is the difference between cerebral palsy and erb's palsy?

Cebral palsy is a cognitive disability. there is bleeding in her brain when you are born, which causes mental problems. Erbs palsy is a physical disability. it does not affect your mind at all. in fact, i have erbs palsy and i am one of the smartest kids in my school. When treated correctly, a person usually has about 90% use of the arm, which is where erbs palsy usually is.

What organization supports children with cerebral palsy?

There are many organizations that support children with cerebral palsy. Some examples of these organizations include Hemi-Kids and Children's Hospital.

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How do you know when a child with cerebral pasly is hungry?

I have cerebral palsy. There are many different severities of cerebral palsy. I am able to speak, walk, and do many other things that a lot of kids with CP cannot do. But to answer your question, there are many ways. If you have a child with CP that doesn't communicate through speech, then you and the child could create a variety of signs, for instance, if the child is hungry, they could pat their stomach. Some severities would scream. then you could ask the child, "Are you hungry?" If they cant speak, then you could formulate a system where yes is one blink and no is two, or shaking the head is yes, and blinking is no. Some children with CP may want to have a computer to communicate.

Can umbilical cord blood help kids with brain tumors?

Yes. Brain tumor is just one of the fatal diseases cured by cord blood. Cord blood also cures Type 1 diabetes, blood diseases such as leukemia, cerebral palsy and Parkinson's Disease.

What does Small caliber of the posterior cerebral artery mean?

it means that your kids are really dumb

Will kids with cerebral palsy who are wheel chair bond and dependent continue to be covered under medicaid till be covered after 21?

A child with CP who is wheelchair bound is almost certainly disabled within the meaning of the Social Security regulations and should already be receiving Medicaid on that basis. If so, there will be no change when the child becomes 21 years old.

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What's Cerebral palsy?

Cerebral Palsy, also known as CP, is a term used to identify children who are born with physical disabilities, many times due to lack of oxygen at birth, for some reason. Most people with CP have many difficulties from birth. Their speech may be affected as well as their ability to walk properly, sometimes their vision is affected. Developmental milestones are delayed, and many use walkers or wheelchairs to get around. They also may have "spastic" movements of the arms and legs, sometimes unable to control the muscles. Some kids with CP are very disabled, while others may be quite smart, but unable to express themselves. Whenever you meet a person in a wheelchair who does not have total control of speech or legs and arms, DON'T treat them like they are retarded or stupid and don't know what you are saying. You would be very surprised at how smart and capable that a person is. NEVER underestimate someone, and act like they are not there. They are there, but they may not be able to voice their feelings.