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The syrinx is the equivalent of the human larynx. It is deep inside the parrot's body, where the voice box meets the bronchial tubes. It branches in two directions, each branch opening into a bronchus. Air from the lungs passes through the syrinx and all of the air is used to produce sound. One or both sides of the syrinx can produce sound, and in fact, it can produce two tones at the same frequency at the same time. The sound quality is affected by the neck muscles, length of the windpipe, structure of the beak and various movements. Overall, the complexity of the syrinx and the number of muscles affects the complexity of a parrot's sound.

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Q: How do parrots talk with no voicebox?
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Can parrots and humans talk?

Of course. Both of them can really talk. Humans and parrots can talk.

What makes you talk?

the vibrations of the string in your voicebox.(larynx)

Do robots talk?

Yes they can, but only if you program them with a voice and give them a voicebox to talk with.

What do you use to talk?

There is no bone to talk with its a mussel called a voicebox you use your jaw to open your mouth.

Why don't parrots talk?

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Do rosezella parrots talk?

They can talk a little.

Why you talk?

You talk because the voicebox inside our throat vibrates and makes sound for everyone to hear. The voicebox also rotates every time we scream so each side gets used to the vibrations. If you laugh/giggle, the voicebox moves up and down 19 times per second.

Why do you talk?

You talk because the voicebox inside our throat vibrates and makes sound for everyone to hear. The voicebox also rotates every time we scream so each side gets used to the vibrations. If you laugh/giggle, the voicebox moves up and down 19 times per second.

What bones do you use to talk?

There is no bone to talk with its a mussel called a voicebox you use your jaw to open your mouth.

Do parrots talk of mock?


What is the factual history of parrots?

They talk

Are parrots talk?

No, they are not. But myna birds are.