

How do people adapt to blizzards?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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You simply stock up on essentials if blizzards are a common enough occurence in your area. Flashlights, candles, batteries, canned food, blankets, battery-operated radios, and first aid supplies are a must.

Basically when preparing for a blizzard, make preparations as if you don't live with electricity. Because that's usually what happens with blizzards, electricity gets cut. Which is why you need to figure out a way to create heat without electricity (blankets) and create light to see (flashlights). The canned food is if electricity doesn't get restored within the hour, and you can't turn on your stove to cook. The radio is to receive outside news when the TV is down.

It's also a good idea to tap into hot water in your taps before they cool down (they don't stay heated once electricity is out).

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Blizzards are fun as hell, that's why. You ever been sledding? If everyone lived at the beach, the beach would not be fun anymore.