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its an infection of the lining of the airways. It mainly affects the windpipe and the two airways that branch off from it to the lungs ,The condition can be unpleasant. It's known as whooping cough because the main symptom is a hacking cough, which is often followed by a sharp intake of breath that sounds like a 'whoop'.

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Q: How do people contract whooping cough?
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Related questions

What demographic group gets whooping cough most?

While people of any age can contract whooping cough, children under the age of two are at the highest risk for both the disease and for serious complications

What disease has the symptoms of short fast coughs ending with a whoop sound?

It is called Pertussis or "Whooping Cough".

Who can be affcted by whooping cough?

Everyone. Babies especially.If you have it, stay away from people, it is contagious if you cough on them go to wikipedia and type whooping cough

Can a whooping cough be trated by antibiotics?

Yes. While prevention via vaccination is recommended, if one does contract Whooping Cough (AKA Pertussis) antibiotics are administered to shorten the duration of the infection. Three of the main antibiotics prescriped for Whooping Cough are Azithromycin, Erythromycin, and Clarithromycin

What shape is whooping cough?

the shape of whooping cough

How do you know you have Whooping cough?

If ur cough makes a whooping sound when u breathe in or cough

Why do people not get vaccinated against whooping cough?

First of all, there are no great epidemics of whooping cough at present, so people do not worry about it very much, although the disease does still exist. And secondly, many people believe that vaccines are dangerous, and they would rather take their chances with whooping cough.

Where in the world does whooping cough occur?

Every where in the world you will find whooping cough.

Use whooping cough in a sentence?

We were up all night with a baby who has the whooping cough.

What is the prognosis for whooping cough?

It really depends on how long the whooping cough goes untreated as to how much damage it does. With modern medicine, it is usually caught quickly, but sometimes it is misdiagnosed and slips by.When left untreated it can cause a variety of problems, the main being a deep gasping cough.Also:pneumoniaear infectionsloss of appetiteseizuresdifficulty breathingdeathAfter whooping cough has been treated and the patient is no longer infected, the cough can remain for many weeks after.

Prevention from whooping cough?

In the UK all children are immunized agains whooping cough in their childhood immunisations therefore preventing whooping cough.

When did the whooping cough start?

Whooping cough began January 2010. It began with infants and newborns.