

How do people explain the mystery of the Bermuda triangle?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They explain it as an mysterious triangle also know as the devil's triangle it has cause many disappearances for at least 500 some say it's a bubble which sinks boats and aircraft but where are they found in the ocean to be sinked.

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Q: How do people explain the mystery of the Bermuda triangle?
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What made people to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle?

The disappearances of people that entered the triangle.

How do people explain the disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?

That's the easy part to explain, 'mysterious' disappearances sell books. The Bermuda triangle has everything to do with the marketplace and nothing to do with science.

Why do people visit the Bermuda triangle?

That's no mystery! See the links below.

What are the origins of the Bermuda Triangle mystery?

The Bermuda Triangle mystery started when some people noticed that ships were disappearing and decided that there was something mysterious or sinister about it. It was first mentioned in a newspaper article in 1950 and it grew from there.

What is the secretof bermuda triangle?

there are a whole bunch of beliefs here are some: the mysterious Philadelphia is behind this,aliens built a base some3,000 feet below, and the Atlantis might have magnetic field.

How did the Bermuda triangle affect people?

people don't travel across the Bermuda triangle. but i have a suspicion that may the Bermuda triangle has a connection with area 5.

What is the name of triangle where people go missing?

The Bermuda Triangle.

What were the people like that disappeared in the Bermuda triangle?

they die the bermuda triangle devouers r thing that come in its path.

What is the population of Bermuda triangle?

The Bermuda triangle has no human population. IT IS WATER!!! Un less you count dead people a population.

Where do people get lost the most?

Bermuda Triangle.

Are people still disappearing in the Bermuda triangle?


People dissappered in the Bermuda Triangle?

the Bermuda triangle is large triangle that sucks you in and makes you become a fish person and live in the lost city of Atlantis.