

How do people make bird noses?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Simply by whistling at diffrent pitches

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Q: How do people make bird noses?
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because day can make noes

Do polish have big noses?

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Why does the nose point down?

Before the Great Flood, many people had noses that we would consider upside down today. They all drowned during the deluge. They simply could not keep their noses clear of all that rain. Even before the flood, people with upward-pointing nostrils had problems. Small seeds would fall into their noses, and, if undetected, would sprout. Bird feces was also a problem. Esther Simpson

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Why have most polish people got big noses?

Physical characteristics such as nose size are influenced by a combination of genetic factors and natural variation within populations. It is inaccurate to make broad generalizations about a particular group of people based on physical features like nose size. It is important to avoid stereotypes and recognize the diversity within any population.

What ethnic groups have big noses?

Arabs, Jewish people, Turks, Iranians/Persians, Lebanese people and Pakistanis have big noses. Basically Middle-Easterners, from Pakistanis to Turks usually have really big noses. But Italians, Greeks, Germans, Russians, British, Polish and French people also generally have big noses.

How did white people nose get pointed?

evolution. Pointy noses may have provided an evolutionary advantage for people living in latitudes with less direct sunlight. Pointy noses probably catch Vitamin-D-rich sunlight better than flatter noses, as evidenced by how easily pointy noses get sun-burned. This evolutionary advantage could have been more significant for people with lighter-skinned noses.

Why do people have no noses?

because you need to breath.

Why do Asian people have flat noses?


WhoHas a long nose?

elephants dont have noses and this is not sarcasm they have a smockle