

How do people who live by Mount Everest survive?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Nearly everybody who lives by Mount Everest survives. The people who live in the surrounding villages are use to the extreme weather in that region.

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Q: How do people who live by Mount Everest survive?
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The group of people who live around Mount Everest is called Sherpa's

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Sherpas are the people who live in villages within sight of Mount Everest.

How do people live near mount everest?

People live near Mount Everest because it is their home. There are many small villages in the Everest area which are homes to farmers, familys and of course the porters and Sherpa's who climbing on Mount Everest.

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There are no monkeys that live on Mount Everest.

Why do people live on Mount Everest?

to age slower- if you live on top of Mount Everest you age slower because you are further away to the earths core.

What is the name of the people around mount everst?

The people who live in the shadow of Mount Everest are Sherpas.

Some say that an unusual thing lives on mount Everest what is it?

some people say that there is a yeti that live on Mount everest. .

Do any people live on Everest?

No one can survive on everest for that long so no one lives on everest