

How do planes run in World War 2?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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14y ago

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In World War 2, all American planes used internal combustion piston engines. In the early part of the war, American fighter planes were poor excuses for war planes. By not having their factories bombed, America could work on developing much better airplanes. In the later part of the war America perfected 100 octane gasoline. At that point American fighter jets could fly faster than any airplane the enemenies had except for rocket planes. America kept developing various bombers during the war. Late in the war, the B 29 could fly faster than most of the enemy fighters. Japan developed the Zero fighter before the war. It was a fast airplane. It used bamboo for a frame. Finally, Americans discovered that the Zeros would fall apart in tight manoevers. The Japaneese also had bombers. They did not have the industrial base to upgrade their air fleet during the war.
Germany began the war with the ME 109 fighter. It was faster than anything England had. However, The British Spitfire fighter was far more manoeverable. Thus, England could not bomb Germany in the daytime but German fighters had difficulty protecting their bombers from spitfires when they flew over England. When America entered the war, American bombers destroyed the German refrineries. Germany fixed their planes to start on gasoline but run on kerosene. They would switch to gasoline when a battle began. Then they ran out of gasoline. Germany ran out of gasoline.

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