

How do plants help maintain a forest in ecosystem?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do plants help maintain a forest in ecosystem?
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A forest is an example of a what that can be protected by planting new trees as they are cut down?

An ecosystem. By replanting trees, we can help maintain the biodiversity and ecological balance of the forest, ensuring its long-term health and sustainability.

Do plants help your ecosystem?

Yes, plants being producers play a very important role in our ecosystem.

What does a plants roots do for the ecosystem?

There are many things a plants roots do for an ecosystem. Plants roots help prevent erosion of soil for example.

How do plants maintain forest ecosystem?

So many ways its hard to list them all, but a few are: Their roots hold the topsoil down so other plants can grow, they provide shade which can help both plants and animals, they convert CO2 (carbon dioxide) to O2 (oxygen) which is necessary for life, they are (trees at least) often used as homes for many other life forms, they are food for many other life forms... in short they are the foundation for ANY ecosystem.

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we can help in farting and peeing on the plants .it will help

How does removing a species from an ecosystem for captive breeding help scientists maintain an ecosystem's biodiversity?

. My name is Freddy Bob Jr.

How does the forest help animals?

Animals are part of any and every ecosystem. As humans and animals breath in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, plants take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen. The answer to the question is yes, animals do help the rain forest. We are all part of a cycle where each needs the next to survive.

How forest fires help people?

Forest fires help people because they give off nutrients to the plants that we eat. If the forest fire lasts too long the plants will die.

What other living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem help you?

Other nonliving parts of the ecosystem that help you are: water, sunlight, and oxygen. The most important living part of the ecosystem is plants.

How can you keep an ecosystem safe?

you can keep the ecosystem safe by not killing animals or plants because animals need to stay in there habitat and plants they help us live. Example is we you are lost in the wild and there is no plants you might not be able to live. if you do not kill the plants then you might be able to live because some plants provide food and that will help you live. that is how you can keep an ecosystem safe.

How does the soil help the tropical rain forest?

by feeding the plants

How do a person help maintain homeostasis?

we dont only plants do