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The plant's leaves store chlorophyl in their cells.theses substances have enzymes that traps sunlight and converts them to sugar,which is glucose by other means. Written by Ng bin,a 13 year old scientist

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Q: How do plants trap the energy of sunlight?
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What trap sunlight or energy?

Chloroplasts in plants trap sunlight or light energy. They use this during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide also traps the suns energy and that is why it is a greenhouse.

How does plants enable to trap energy from the sun?

Sunlight is needed by plants to create photosynthesis. This is how the plants collect and store energy in order to thrive and grow, The sunlight is converted to energy that the plant needs.

What contain chlorophyll green pigment that trap energy from sunlight and give plants there colour?


What job does the chloroplast do?

Chloroplasts give plants their green color and trap energy from sunlight. It also contains chlorophyll.

Why animals eat plants?

Plants are producers they trap sunlight and make it into sugars. Only plants can do this and therefore animals need to eat plants as food to get the energy that plants have made to live.

Does plants use chlorophyll to trap sunlight?

b. energy, I think I'm taking the same test as you (e2020)

Why do animals eat plant?

Plants are producers they trap sunlight and make it into sugars. Only plants can do this and therefore animals need to eat plants as food to get the energy that plants have made to live.

Does chlorophyll trap energy from sunlight?


Captures energy from sunlight?

it's plant. they use chlorophyll and trap sunlight energy

Which of the following is most effective in helping rain forest plants trap sunlight so that light energy can be converted to chemical energy?

Large Leaf Size.

Why do plants need energy of sunlight?

Plants use the energy from sunlight to carry out photosynthesis.

Process by which autotrophs trap energy from sunlight?

The process by which autotrophs trap energy from sunlight is called photosynthesis. This is possible because of the chloroplasts inside an autotrophs cells.