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The tail of a platypus helps the animal to swim and acts as a rudder when it dives.

A platypus also stores most of its body fat in its tail to help it survive when food is limited, and to prepare for when the female must incubate her eggs and care for the young when they hatch.

During the breeding season, the female digs herself a chamber within her deep burrow, and this chamber is lined with leaves and other nesting material. The female with carry this nesting material rolled underneath her tail as she climbs up and down steep riverbanks.

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Q: How do platypuses use their tail?
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Are platypuses fat?

Platypuses are not fat. The thickness of their tail is an indication of their health, and how well-fed they are.

How do platypuses swim with a beaver tail?

They don't. Platypuses swim with a platypus's tail. The beaver's tail is broader and flatter than a platypus's, and covered with special scales. The platypus's tail is covered with dense fur.

How do Platypuses eat their food?

Platypuses do not have teeth, but hard bony plates which they use to grind the food.

What traps do humans use to kill platypuses?

It is illegal to kill platypuses. One of the biggest threats to platypuses used to be the use of fishing nets in freshwater rivers and creeks, as the platypuses would become entangled in the nets and drown. Using such fishing nets has been outlawed.

Do platypuses have eyes?

Yes, platypuses do have eyes, and they use them whenever they are on land. Platypuses close their eyes when they dive and hunt underwater for food. They do not need to see underwater, as they use the electroreceptors in their bills to detect living organisms underwater.

Do platypus have bones on the outside of their body?

Yes, platypuses do have tails. These tails are an indication of how healthy a platypus is. The larger and fatter the tail, the healthier the animal is. A thin tail is a sign of malnutrition and/or lack of food. Platypuses use their tail in a variety of ways. The tail of a platypus helps the animal to swim and acts as a rudder when it dives. A platypus also stores most of its body fat in its tail to help it survive when food is limited, and to prepare for when the female must incubate her eggs and care for the young when they hatch. During the breeding season, the female digs herself a chamber within her deep burrow, and this chamber is lined with leaves and other nesting material. The female with carry this nesting material rolled underneath her tail as she climbs up and down steep riverbanks.

Does the platypus use mimcry?

No. Platypuses do not use mimicry of any description.

Do Platypuses bite with their mouth's teeth?

No. Platypuses do not have teeth. They have grinding plates in their bill, which they use to crush their prey before swallowing it.

Do platypuses have any commercial use?

No. Platypuses are wild animals; they do not have to have any commercial use. In the Kate 1800s and early 1900s, platypuses were hunted for their fur, as they have beautiful velvety pelts. However, this practice was banned when platypus numbers dropped to critical levels, and platypuses, like all native Australian mammals, are now protected by law.

Can platypuses move?

Yes. Platapuses Can move . they are kind of like beavers with their tail they swim sort of like a fish. and have poisonous hind legs

How do platypuses respirate?

Platypuses are mammals, so they use the same type of respiratory system as other mammals - mouth, nose and lungs. They do not breathe underwater.

Does America have platypuses?

No. America does not have platypuses. Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia.