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They do not make igloos. Inuit and Eskimos make igloos, not polar bears.

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Q: How do polar bears make igloos?
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Related questions

Do polar bears live in igloos?

Polar bears are animals that roam the North and live in the wild,, Igloos are houses made of ice blocks built by the Inuit people that live in the Arctic, so the answer is NO, Polar bears DO NOT live in houses.

Where in Sweden polar bears are found?

There are no polar bears in Sweden. Also, Swedes don't live in igloos. :)

What is it like for Canadians to ride polar bears around?

Canadians DO NOT ride Polar bears! They ride moose and live in igloos

Why are Canadians so amazing?

we live in igloos and ride on polar bears to school . that is why .

Do animals live in igloos?

Animals do not build igloos, and to my knowledge, do not seek shelter in existing igloos. Plenty of animals do burrow in the snow however, or build dens such as polar bears.

How do the male polar bears and female polar bears make baby polar bears?

They reproduce.

What are some What are facts about the arctic tundra?

Polar bears live there in tribal igloos and like to go fishing on the weekends the penguins there hate the polar bears and they are having an all out war to the death with each other

What is a sentence for the word igloos?

Eskimos live in igloos.A common misconception, taught from childhood is that all eskimos, or Inuits as they should be known as, live in igloos. This is not the case.I want my birthday cake to be covered in igloos and polar bears!

When did they make it illegal to hunt polar bears?

It's cruel to hunt Polar bears so it was never allowed

Do only penguins live in igloos?

Penguins do not live in igloos. Eskimos, who live at the north polar regions, live in igloos. Penguins live in the southern polar regions. There are very few people, and no igloos, at the south pole.

To what are polar bears related?

polar bears are related to bears.

What is Finland sterotyped as?

I'm not sure about the entire country, but the Finns are stereotyped as quiet, depressed, suicidal, drunk eskimos who live in igloos, hunt polar bears and chill out with penguins.