

How do pop rocks explode?

Updated: 3/31/2020
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14y ago

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all you have to do is add sodium to the pop rocks!!

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Q: How do pop rocks explode?
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How do you make a pigeon explode?

Feed them rice or pop rocks!

How much carbon dioxide is in a packet of pop rocks?

there is 4.2 millimeters in pop rocks candies can you explode if you eat pop rocks with pop? no thts just a rumor! dont worry have fun

Pop rocks and soda?

When You Eat Pop Rocks And Drink Soda Will It Make Your Stomach Explode.? Well His Question Comes From A Old Wives Tale. When You Eat Pop Rocks And Drink Soda It Does Not Make Your Stomach Explode It Actually Makes You Stomach Have Sharp Intense Pains.

Is there a pop rocks and coke challenge?

yes , there is put a bag of pop rocks in your mouth then drink coke and coke will explode out of your mouth . very cool!

Do pop rocks explode in diet cokes?

No, they fizz and pop. Very little CO2 gas is released. Try this: pour a bag of Pop Rocks into a balloon, firt the opening of the balloon over a bottle of Coke, tip the ballon up to dump in the Pop Rocks, and watch as the balloon inflates a little.

Do pop rocks make explode a bird?

Yes they will, pop rocks contain various chemicals that react with the chickens stomach lining, Three hours after eaten the chicken will pass a foamy substance from their anus and die.

Is the Coke and Pop Rocks myth true?

No, you will not explode- you will burp like a cow. If kids exploded from eating Pop Rocks and drinking soda, the sidewalks would be covered with exploded kids- and there don't seem to be any exploded kids on the sidewalks here.

How can you get pop to explode?

Sit on it and say POP !

Can pop rocks and coke explode your tummy?

This urban legend has been around since at least 1969, as I recall. It is no more true now than it was then.

Are pop rocks dangers?

No, they are entirely safe for eating. ACtually, many people believed that if you were to eat them whole, you'd explode. This is untrue. Eating Pop-rocks will only produce a small amount of gas inside your Stomach (About a baseballs size) and should not irritate the lining around it.

Does pop make chickens explode?


What happens when you mix pop rocks in a bottle of pop will it explode or will it do anything. We need to know for a science fair project will you....but the question is what will happen?

Test it!If this is a science fair project, you're actually supposed to do the project, not dry lab it.