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They help a person who can't see very well see clearly.

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Q: How do prescription glasses work?
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Is going to see a 3D film any good if you already wear glasses that you would need to see the movie and does 3D take away from the experience?

No, however the two most popular 3D technology companies in the theaters are RealD and Master Image. So your glasses have to correspond to their format. I know a company, Visual World Products, that makes 3D glasses that work on both formats perfectly.

What are diffraction glasses?

Diffraction glasses differ from traditional glasses because they use a special pair of lenses that offer light grating as an entertainment source. When viewing a light source the grating effect will break the light into a prism of colors, offering the user a unique experience. You can check out companies like GloFX to view the various glasses that will feature this special lens. They also have a great FAQ page about diffraction glasses, you can read up on it by searching GloFX Glasses What Are Diffraction Glasses.

What do the natives decide that glasses do for the white people?

The white people use the glasses to see and talk the evil spirits.

What do you do with all these real d glasses?

Many people use them to wear as nerd glasses, obviousley, but they are also recyclable.

How do 3D cameras produce a 3D image?

There are two cameras next to each other and they are combined in a video editing program. They make one video coloured blue and the other red to give the 3D effect. That's why you wear blue and red glasses. Now they have these new glasses that are just plane black, I don't know how they work though.

Related questions

What are prescription glasses?

Prescription glasses are glasses which have been acquired through a prescription from an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Prescription glasses are available on the NHS in the UK.

What is prescription on glasses?

a prescription on how strong your glasses have to be for example ( 2.5+ )

Is a prescription needed to buy prescription glasses?

A prescription is needed to buy prescription glasses. This is so the lenses of the glasses can be fitted to the person who needs his or her vision corrected.

What is the collective noun for prescription glasses?

The collective noun is a pair of prescription glasses.

Can you get a prescription in nerd glasses?

You Have to get best prescription glasses through eyeweb/prescription-safety-glasses because I have experience to buy they are selling best quality glasses and I'm very satisfied.

Is it okay to wear prescription glasses when doing an experiment?

Prescription glasses generally do not provide sufficient eye protection, particularly on the sides. There are several styles of laboratory eye protection that are designed to fit over prescription glasses; you should wear the prescription glasses and safety glasses or safety goggles as well. It's also possible to buy prescription safety glasses, but they're fairly expensive. Again: Ordinary prescription glasses are not a substitute for safety glasses/goggles.

Does your employer have to pay for protective prescription eye glasses?

i work for the state of New Mexico doing maintenance work and have been trying for years to get the prescription safety glasses, They provide us face shields goggles and whatever we need to protect our faces and eyes but have not ever given me an answer on prescription safety glasses, However when i worked on the Federal side these glasses were provided. Hope this helps and you have a good boss that will take care of you.

Can a referee wear prescription glasses?

Indeed, Referee or any Sport's person can wear Prescription glasses

Where can you take a prescription eyeglass?

Before you take prescription eyeglasses, you have to get a prescription. First, you need to go to an Optometrist (someone you examines your eyes). If they tell you that you need glasses they will write a prescription for you on a piece of paper. After you get the prescription, you need to go to an Optician (someone who sells prescription glasses). Once you go to one, find a pair of glasses that you like, and give them your prescription so that they can order the specific glasses you want with the prescription in it. Depending on the place it may take from 1 hour to 1 week to receive the order. They usually call you when your glasses are ready.

How can you convert a Taiwan eye glasses prescription to a US prescription?

How Do I can onvert a vietnamese eyes glasses precrition to a US precription

Are Claires' geek glasses real glasses like prescription glasses?

No, they are not. You can always try to ask if someone could change the lences into prescription ones if you really want to.

From where might I buy safety glasses?

Any tool supplier, hardware store, home improvement store or industrial supplier should be able to sell you some great safety glasses. The type you get will depend on what you are planning to use them for. If you will be using them daily for work and wear prescription glasses, you can also get great prescription safety glasses at the optometrist's office.